𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛

Start from the beginning

"Honey, I'm home!" A familiar voice yelled up the stairs, making Raven roll her eyes and continue digging through her clothes, the sense of fear being quickly replaced with a sense of peace.

Noah and Brooke both raced up the stairs, like children, finding Raven sat in her closet.

"I thought you already came out," Noah said, and Brooke snorted at his words.

"Shut up," Raven warned, "I don't know what to wear."

"Ha!" Noah laughed, shoving Brooke in the arm with his elbow, "Where's my £50?"

"You made a bet on me? Again?"

"Yep," Noah chorused, plopping himself onto the bed and awaiting for his newly made money, "I bet that if you hadn't picked out an outfit yet, I get my £50 back."

"And if you had actually found an outfit, Noah had to give me an extra £20."

"Well, thank you for believing in me, Noah."

"I did that earlier!" He shrugged, snatching his money back from the brunettes hand, "And you lost me 50 quid."

The girl sighed as Brooke collapsed onto her bed alongside Noah, "That wasn't my fault."

"How wasn't it your fault?" Noah raised a brow, listening for her answer as she groaned from the other side of the closet door.

"That arsenal girl was getting on my nerves," She grumbled, rubbing her temples.

The other footballer laughed, "Doesn't mean you have to tackle her to the ground."

Ray narrowed her eyes, before continuing to scurry through her wardrobe.

"Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have tripped her up or tackled her to the floor," She shrugged, throwing a shirt at the two friends, "Happens to the best of us."

Gibson and Rose both sniffled a laugh, beginning to argue why she was in fact wrong in the matter, but failing once Ray got distracted.

"Ooh, this is good," the girl held up her choice in outfit to her friends before her eyes widened at their outfits, as she looked at them for the first time since they came into the house, "You guys look good."

"You hadn't noticed till now?" Noah quipped, flicking his hair back with a flirtatious grin, making Raven fake gag.

"One, never do that again," Ray threatened, which made the brunette, by the boy's side, cackle, "And two, I was busy looking for an outfit."

The girl held up the clothes in her hand, showing the other two and asking their opinion on it.

"Go try it on," The brunnette suggested and Ray did just that hurrying out of the room, as if she hadn't changed in front of them multiple times before.

After a few minutes, Raven strolled back into the room, using it as her chance to walk into the room and pose everytime she got as if she was a model. Her best friends giggled like idiots on the bed, as they watched her ridiculous poses.

She repeated this a few more times with different outfits, her friends never stopping to breathe once as her poses got more and more absurd.

"That's the one," Her two friends both announced in sinc after their laughing fit.

Ray beamed them a smile, almost bouncing in her spot, "That's what I was thinking!"

"Digital here we come!"


The group had arrived at the nighclub, all meeting with the Newcastle team as soon as they got in.

"Noah, Brooke, Ray!" Katie cheered, as she scurried away from the shots and towards them.

"Kate!" The brunette yelled, extending her arms out for a hug and immediately receiving one, before Kate hugged the other two.

She gave them a big grin as she pulled away, clearly drunk, "You should come do shots with the team and Beth. We're doing this thing that whoever loses has to pay for the whole crew's round of drinks."

"I'm in!" Brooke said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, skipping on down to the crew while Noah and Raven hesitated.

"You guys coming?"


The black-haired girl shoved Noah in the side, nodding to where Ben was beside Beth, also taking shots.

"We sure are!" He sung, "Lead the way."

The two followed after Katie, Noah with a spring in his step, which made Raven giggle. "Simp," she uttered quietly, which made the boy roll his eyes.


A few hours had passed by, Beth being the one that had to pay for the round of drinks.

Raven was on the dance floor with Brooke as Noah was flirting with Ben somewhere across the room. The three were extremely drunk, just being glad that they had gotten a taxi there instead of driving.

"They seem to be getting close," Brooke joked, nodding towards the two boys who were giggling at everything and nothing being said.

"Very," Ray added, before Brooke and her made eye contact, both bursting out into laughter, "You got your eyes on anyone?" She queried with a smile.

Brooke's eyes instantly drifted across the room, at one blonde boy, "Nope," She uttered but Raven could tell that her friend was obviously lying, humming in disbelief, "What about you?"

"Nope, not really," Ray answered, except she wasn't lying like her friend, "Not yet."

"What about that chick over there," Brooke's eyes raked towards a girl with blonde hair in a short black dress.

"I don't know, maybe-"

Before Ray could even finish her response, she was dragged towards the girl and found herself stumbling into the blonde.

"Shit, I'm so sorry."

Ray quickly spinned on her heels to face the lady only to meet the familiar blue eyes from earlier that day.

"You're joking me."

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