Chapter Twenty Three

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"You only have until the end of the week, or else your enrollment for the semester would be affected."
Those are the words our adviser told me when she called me to the faculty.

I couldn't help but feel zoned out during the class. I don't know how to handle the weight I'm carrying. How am I supposed to pay thousands of yen in a week? It was easy for the teachers to tell me to pay immediately, thinking that I'm still with my wealthy family. But that's not the case right now. This time, I'm alone. The only one I can rely to is my self.

We have a ten minute break for each subjects. I laid my head on top of the table, my books serving as my pillow. I feel so tired but I can't sleep.

Ten minutes ran so quickly. All of us stood up and greeted the teacher upon entering the room and reaching the teacher's table. She was the new teacher in exchange for Ms. Alva, who got expelled from school after numbers of reported verbal abuse against students. It was said that she had lots of students whom she treated worser than me. I just hope our new teacher for today won't be the same as her.

The teacher allowed us to sit. She then wrote her name on the board, read as 'Laraine Sy.'

She looked at us and smiled. "Greetings to everyone, I am Lorraine Sy, your new English teacher. Just to clarify things to everyone, I am not, in any way, related to the rich Henry Sy."

Her first minutes with students went smoothly, entertaining us with her natural wit. But one thing I noticed about her, is that she likes learning about personal stuffs.

Each of us students will stand up and introduce ourselves. After that, she would ask you some random personal questions she could think of.

It was a good news for people who likes sharing stuffs about themselves. But for me? I understand she's curious, but if she ever asks a question about my family, I'd rather stay silent and let her think what she wants.

My head remained on top of the books as I feel tired and lazy. Good thing is that Ms. Sy didn't interrupt or spoke about it.

Not until that gold stone voice reached my ears. I slowly fixed my sitting posture, but I didn't look at him. I don't want him to think that I'm curious about whatever he wants to say. So what's he gonna share? His happy moments or say, 'memories' with his date? 

Rolled my eyes to myself. Hell, Eva is my friend. I should be happy for her.

"So Mr. Zuo Hang, or let's say, Mr. Left," the teacher paused for a while to think about what she wants to ask him. She smiled. "Have you already found your significant other?"

It took ten seconds but I didn't hear an answer from Zuo Hang. I faced to my back and raised my stare at him as he was standing. Why's he not answering? Just answer yes, and that her name is Eva.

Yet Zuo Hang bit his lips, as if he's trying to supress his smile. But I wouldn't say that it happened when I looked at him. Ofcourse not, definitely not. He's probably just thinking about his memories with another girl, the one he brought to a date.

I turned my back from him and just faced the board with my arms crossed.

He finally answered, breaking the sheepish sounds by our boy classmates. "Yes ma'am. I already found her." He slightly paused. "I think she's mad at me, though."

I scoffed. She's mad? They just started their relationship and yet he already made her angry? I swear I should just look for another guy for Eva. Maybe Harvey right here would do.

"Why do you think she's angry?"

"Maybe because I became too good at acting, showing that I don't care about her."

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