Chapter 76 Teacher 53

Start from the beginning

Dai Shiyuan shook her head, her brow involuntarily furrowing. "I don't think so."

Divorce is still a scandal in this context, especially since the female lead is a teacher and the other party is a wealthy family.

Those who do not know the truth always use the most malicious attitude to speculate about the female lead. The current situation is very unfavorable for her.

The worst outcome is that the female lead may be fired.

Thinking of this, Dai Shiyuan's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and she stood up quickly, saying, "I have something to do. If I'm late for the first class, you help me cover for me."

"Shiyuan, where are you going..." Zuo jia had not finished speaking, and Dai Shiyuan's figure had disappeared.

Dai Shiyuan ran out of the dormitory, found a quiet place, and immediately dialed Shan Yaxin's phone.

But the call was not immediately answered.

While waiting, Dai Shiyuan felt inexplicably restless and anxious, her left hand pulling on the leaves beside her.

After about five minutes, the call was finally answered, and Dai Shiyuan hurriedly said, "Sister Yaxin, have you seen the post on the school forum?"

"Well, I saw it," Shan Yaxin said lightly, with a smile in her voice.

Dai Shiyuan felt that the other party's attitude was not at all flustered and her tone became urgent. "You saw it and still can be so calm? Do you know how they talk about you? What if this matter has serious consequences if it affects you negatively?"

At the last sentence, Dai Shiyuan almost shouted, sounding angry and anxious.

Holding the phone, Shan Yaxin was slightly stunned and paused for a few seconds before smiling softly.

"Why are you still able to laugh?" Dai Shiyuan became even more angry, and her fingers accidentally snapped off a twig.

Through the phone, Shan Yaxin heard the sound of 'swish, swish, swish', as if venting her anger.

She couldn't help but smile, lowered her voice and asked slowly, "Xiaoyuan, are you worried about me?"

"I..." Dai Shiyuan was suddenly at a loss, and the movement of waving the twig also stopped.

After a few seconds, she threw away the twig, without any forethought...

Looking at the darkened screen, Shan Yaxin smiled faintly and continued with her work.

Dai Shiyuan stood alone under the tree, staring at the ground motionlessly.

After a while, she finally looked up and gazed at the deep blue sky, lost in thought.

Was she worried about the female lead?

Dai Shiyuan was uncertain and sighed as she walked back to her dormitory.

She had originally planned to go to the office to find the female lead, but it seemed unnecessary now.

Based on the female lead's current reaction, she should have anticipated all the consequences.

However, if the female lead was still calm and collected, it meant that she had a way out.

Dai Shiyuan suddenly felt that she was being nosy. The female lead dared to divorce the male lead in advance, so what was there for her to worry about?

When she arrived at the dormitory, Zuo Jia saw Dai Shiyuan's dejected expression and couldn't help but worry, "Shiyuan, what's wrong?"

Dai Shiyuan shook her head and sat down with her hands propped up.

Now looking back at her hurried phone call to the female lead, she felt a little foolish, as if she really cared about the female lead.

Dai Shiyuan regretfully covered her head, and a blush crept onto her fair and tender face.

Although the weather was already cool, she felt a heat rising on her back.

After sitting for a while, Dai Shiyuan finally suppressed these fluctuating emotions.

The school forum's hot post about the female lead only lasted for a day before being suppressed, and now only some fragmented discussions can be found, which will soon be suppressed by other posts.

It seemed as if the female lead's divorce had never happened.


Author's Note: I had a five-day break for the May Day holiday, and two days were spent rushing to catch the bus. I was so dizzy on the bus that I began to doubt my life. I've been helping my family with things every day, waking up at five or six in the morning and feeling very tired.

I was a bit lazy yesterday and didn't write anything.

I was at home for the May Day holiday, and I rarely held my phone in my hand. I brought my computer back, but I never opened it...

I shouldn't be too busy with anything else from now on.

I want to update as much as possible, but there always seems to be something happening in the real world that makes it difficult for me to write.

At the end of April, I wanted to get full attendance in May, but on May 2nd, I was like, "What is full attendance?"

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or gave me nutrient solution between 2021-04-28 20:30:23 and 2021-05-07 22:10:50.

Translator's note: I'm tired! 😩


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