11. Is It Fate

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"Jay, would you like to be my boyfriend?"

He paused, assumingly stared at you blankly.

"Jay?" You called out, regret starting to creep up your spine.

He jolted and shook his head, lunging at you, engulfing you in his embrace.

You could feel him nodding against your head, burying his face into your neck.

Your worry washed away, a smile forming on your face as you slightly winced from the sudden pressure on your injuries.

"So I guess today is the day we officially start dating." You chuckle.

Jay pulls back to face you, a huge smile on his face.


Jay took you back home, walking you up the driveway as well.

You had the place to yourself for now as both your siblings were busy with either work or school.

You unlocked the door, turning around to face Jay.

"Hey, you wanna come in?" You asked.

His face seemingly lit up, as he nodded.

You smiled, letting him in.

He took off his shoes and looked around, taking in the atmosphere.

You put your bag down.

You heard the scampering of feet, knowing all too well what that meant.

Like a gust of wind, you were met with Kookie and snowball, who were smothering you with affection, but in that same second Kookie seemed to stand guard infront of you, glaring at Jay.

Jay went pale at the sight of Kookie.

"No no it's okay. Friend." You said to your dog, pointing at Jay.

As if she understood, Kookie eased up and moved towards Jay for affection who immediately tensed up, a stressed smile on his face.

You took the hint.

"Oh, are you scared of dogs?" You said, pulling Kookie back.

He shook his head quickly, pretending to be okay.

"Mm yeah, no. You're definitely uncomfortable. That's fine, I'll let her into the backyard." You smiled, taking Kookie away.

When you came back Jay seemed a little down, probably still shaken up while snowball watched him from afar from her scratching pole castle.

"You hungry?" You asked, trying to break the tension.

Jay whipped out his phone.

'I'll eat only if you eat.'

You chuckled.

"Great, then I'm ordering pizza, I've been craving it for a while." You smiled.

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