Chapter 7

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Cedric's POV:

Cedric, I hope you can hear me, but I want you to come home. I heard her voice in my head. I wish I could, but you still wouldn't even speak to me because I left without a word. I sighed and continued working with my cousins on my moms side. It felt so surreal being here with my mom side, as if she never left. "Cedric your sister is on the phone" I nodded and walked to the office.

Picking up the phone, I smiled when I heard what she said. "Hello?" I whispered. "Cedric, father said you could return home if you want, I don't think we can find Bethany without you, and I think June is getting worse." She whispered. "If I come home would it help anyone?" "Yes! June may be happier, she has been so depressed lately and cutting me and everyone out of her life." I sighed. "I'll be there in a few hours." She laughed and hung up.

I walked out looking for my mothers brother, James, "Hey James, I'm having to go back home, My mate is becoming depressed and she seems to be harming herself, and My sister said they needed my help finding Bethany. I'm sorry I'm having to cut this short." He nodded. "I figured, I tried to tell your dad that it wouldn't do no good keeping you away from your mate for more than a week because It'll kill on of you, and with you keeping busy training and all it wouldn't have been you." I nodded. "Thank you Uncle, I'll call you with any information I get on what we spoke about when I got here." He nodded and I went to my room I was staying in and packed.

I threw my stuff in my car and went to find my cousins. Finding them around the pool, I got closer. "YO!!!! Cedric come join us!" I laughed. "I got to leave bud, My dad called telling me they needed me! Something bout the attack on one of our coven members." They frowned. "But you're not mated yet, you should be able to go look for her." I looked away "DUDE!!!! You found her and didn't tell us!" Jason growled. I laughed. "I didn't have time, I had to stay bus because I was pretty horrible to her. Threaten to leave her if she didn't fully mate with me."

They growled and stalked towards me. I knew they weren't happy about what I told them. "GUYS! LET ME EXPLAIN!" They stopped and then frowned. "Talk then. You leave now then don't expect us to welcome you with open arms again!" Zeke, the oldest said. I nodded and explained everything. I didn't leave any details out. They listened intently and sighed. "I would have done the same thing bro. She is in danger and if anyone is in the wrong its you but also everyone else because they should understand and look at it in your point of view. You did what you thought would help her decide, you didn't plan on all of that happening." Jason said.

I smiled. "Yeah my dad sent me here for three weeks, but is calling me back to help find a friend, and protect my mate, but everything is going to shit and I don't know how to fix it. I don't even know if she is going to want me after the way I left. I didn't even say one word to her, but I didn't have a choice." I whimpered slightly. "I have to get going before my father fusses at me for being late." They nodded. "Let me know if everything turns out okay and if you ever need help fighting. Cedric, you know I will be there in a heartbeat and I will bring the coven!" Jason said smiling. I nodded and jumped into the car and drove off.

After making it home that night, I sat in my car for a few more minutes taking a deep breathe. I didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't a happy greeting. I got out and walked up to the front door and stood there for a minute before going in. I walked inside looking around the empty hall. "She's at training right now son, come with me." My father said. As I followed him, I noticed the walls had pictures hung on them. "Seems like June has made her changes here." I laughed and my dad nodded.

"Yeah, nobody could tell her no. We tried but then the face she gave made us cave." I laughed. "Father how serious is this threat?" I asked. "It's bad son. I think the hunters are going to give June an ultimatum. They're going to have her choose between handing herself over or killing Bethany." I frowned. "They know she will choose to keep Bethany alive, and that is how they are going to get her!" He nodded as we entered the office. Once the door was shut, my dad took a seat. "She is being trained on how to make a clone of herself. So she can send the clone and stay here." I smiled "She is powerful enough to do so, but what if they find out it isn't her?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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