Chapter 29: Vengeance Pt.2

Start from the beginning

Bucky hit the button to open the ginormous hatch at the top of the bunker that lead outside and braced himself to start the climb up the metal platforms that protruded from the walls as the sunlight pooled into the bunker.

"It wasn't him Tony. HYDRA had control of his mind." Steve attempted to reason as Tony lifted himself off the ground.
"Move!" Tony yelled as he attempted to fly over Steve.
"It wasn't him!" Steve screamed as he grabbed Tony by the ankle.

Tony tried to break free as Steve knocked out one of Tony's thrusters with his shield. Tony broke free and landed a few feet away, looking back at Steve who ran for him. Thinking quickly, Tony used a laser to break down the concrete doorway to seal off his path. Satisfied that Steve was at bay for the moment he looked up to see Bucky halfway to the surface. Tony determined to get him, attempted to fly on one foot thruster before struggling and having to land.

"Damn it." He muttered before lifting off again and making his way to Bucky who was launching from platform to platform toward the surface.

"Shit" Bucky muttered under his breath as Tony came up to his level. He jumped for the next platform but Tony grabbed him and threw him across the bunker and down a few platforms causing Bucky to fall face-first into it and lose his breath for a moment. Tony powered up once more and then fired the shot. Steve jumped in front of Bucky and the shot bounced off the shield and back at Tony effectively launching him back into the center and down a few levels. Steve turned and helped Bucky to his feet then looked to see how far Tony fell before looking back at Bucky.

"He's not gonna stop, go." Steve panted out. Bucky nodded and kept climbing as Steve pulled a zip cord off his belt and put his shield away on his back. He waited for Tony to get close enough then threw the zip cord around his neck and jumped off the platform dragging him back down toward the ground. Tony choked and struggled as the two plummeted further away from Bucky. Steve was thrown a few feet down and hit celebrate platforms. Tony yanked the cord away from his neck and sat up. Tony looked up to see how far Bucky had gotten then aimed to shoot him. Steve threw the shield at him once more in hopes to stop him quickly but Tony knocked it down to the ground.

"Targeting systems compromised," FRIDAY explained to Tony as she tried to lock onto him.
"Open up my mask, I'm eyeballing it," Tony said. Just then his mask receded and he stared at Bucky who had gone for the latter. He closed one eye and attempted to line up his arm when suddenly he had a better idea. Tony shot the hydraulic latch that was keeping the door open causing it to explode and the several-ton metal door to begin crashing down. Bucky made the split decision to jump instead of getting crushed and landed back on the platform. As he rose to his feet he noticed a metal pipe.

Thinking quickly Bucky picked up the pipe and rose to his feet as Tony approached once more. He swung the pipe left at Tony like it was a baseball bat and knocked him back a few feet. However Tony didn't quit in his blind fit of rage. He charged Bucky once more, and once more Bucky fought him off with the pipe swinging right this time.

Tony grew angry at this once more as he was sent back a few feet and flew at him full force this time reaching for the pipe. Both of them attempted to pull the pipe out of each other's hands as they strained. Thinking quickly Tony threw an elbow which caused Bucky to let go of the pipe then quickly Tony got behind Bucky and began to choke him as the pipe plummeted quickly and bounced off of platforms until it hit the ground.

"Do you even remember them?" Tony whispered with hatred in his voice as he panted and tightened his grip around Bucky. Bucky gripped his metal arm tightly trying to pry it away.
"I remember all of them." Bucky choked out in anguish in response as he kicked backward off the platform in hopes it would get Tony to release him.

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