Chapter 9: Skeleton Key

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Third person:

At the Flaming Foundry, the Bull Clones continue to dig up the tomb. The Bull Clones noticed a blue spirit as they hear a whisper. An explosion occurs, causing the Bull Clones to be blown back. Princess Iron Fan walks up to the tomb. Princess Iron Fan and RedSon stood in front of the tomb, as Demon Bull King approached. DBK smiled and said, "Finally" He reached for the lock on the tomb but was stopped when a magical barrier shocked him. DBK roared with anger as he kept trying to destroy the magical barrier. "Another infernal obstacle keeping me from my destiny!" He shouted as he made one last attempt to destroy the barrier.

"Patience, my love." Princess Iron Fan said. "I've been patient long enough. I need that power!" DBK said in anger. PIF walked over to the tomb and put her hand up summing the barrier. "The power that crafted this tomb is beyond my skill. Without an artifact of equal strength, there is nothing we can do. We're locked out." she said, turning to her husband. "Not for long! All we need is a key and look what I found." RedSon said, showing them a key.

Jade's Pov:

Mei, Tang, Pigsy, Mk and I were watching the Mayor speak at a small podium. "Thank you for this amazing turnout." the Mayor spoke, even though it was five of us. "Woo-hoo! Let's hear it for Monkie Kid! Hero of the city!" Mei said, clapping. "As mayor, I hereby give Monkie Kid the key to our fair city." The Mayor said, turning to my brother in a creepy way giving him the key. Suddenly I felt a bad energy, but as quickly as it came, it vanished. 'What was that, also who is this guy?' I thought to myself. "Um, uh, what does this key do, exactly?" Mk asked. "Oh, you'll love this. It has the power to open anything!" Creepy Mayor said. 'Okay, anything that has "the power to open anything '' makes me immediately on edge' I thought, wanting to get my brother away from the "Mayor" guy.

"Ooh, anything? Like a pet shop full of puppies?" Mei said, getting up in his face. "Yes. Or the door to a lion's cage, or an orphan's piggy bank, an imprisoned mystic power source. Whatever you like! Today, you can do no wrong. You've got my permission. 'Cause I'm the mayor!" the "Mayor said, very creepily. 'Okay did anyone else hear what he said!' I screamed in my head. Walking over to stand next to Mk, I hear Mei say, "Huh. I'm starting to think, that's maybe not the mayor." "You think Mei, what tipped you off, the fact that he had a key that unlocks everything, his list of all the things you could unlock, or maybe it was the fact that he kept saying he was the mayor." I told her with an annoyed tone in my voice. "Wow. A key that can open anything." Mk said. "Were you not listening to me?" I ask my twin. I sometimes feel like I'm the only one with a brain out of the two of us. Mk, Mei and I were outside. Mk used the key, soon doors were flying by us. "Are you too ready?" Mk asked us. While I said, "No." Mei said, "Yes."

Mk grabbed us, next thing I know we are in the anti-gravity arcade. Mei and Mk soon started to play a game, while I'm trying to figure out where I've seen that key from. I hear the game over noise, signifying that they lost whatever game they were playing. Mk looks at the screen, then puts the key near the game scanner. The end of the key changes to match the game scanner. 'What?' I think. The game starts back up as Mei and Mk's characters get buff and more powerful.

Mk grabs us and transports us to a truck that holds puppies and unlocks the doors. 'Okay who was driving that truck, I need to teach them a lesson about locking puppies in the back of a truck' I thought. Next thing we all know a tiger appears in the back and roars at us. We all scream and run away. The next place we went was the shoe shop. Mei and Mk got a whole bunch of shoes, but I didn't grab anything though. Back at the anti-gravity arcade, where Mk was at the DJ booth. "Okay, that's familiar" I say, referencing the clone debacle. Mei and I are floating above him. It was tempting to land right on top of him, but I decided against it.

The three of us went to the weather station next. Mk and Mei enjoyed the water, I kept thinking about where I remember seeing that stupid key from. After the weather station, Mei and Mk were driving on the racetrack from the race that happened a couple of days ago. We keep going to different places. While Mk and Mei goofed off, I had to watch them so they wouldn't get hurt. Mk soon put the key up to his head, after a couple of seconds of him spacing out, he gaps.

"Mei! Mei! Okay, hear me out. We knew the key could magically unlock anything. But maybe, it can also magically lock anything too!" he said. "You literally just described all keys." Mei said. "She's right bro." I say walking up next to Mei. "Sure, yeah, fine. But do you know what this means? Having this key, this power. It's so much responsibility. But I know what we need to do." Mk said. "Give the key to Monkey King?" I ask.

Nope, Mk and Mei both just magically locked the noodle shop. Both of them laughed as Pigsy tried to make them open the shop. "I wish we had this key all the time. I don't think I've had this much fun in forever." Mk said way to proud of himself. A burst of flame blows a hole through the front of MK's and I's house knocking all three of us down, from the smoke, Red Son appears. "Noodle boy, finally!" RedSon said. "Hey firecracker." I said. "Stop calling me that!" he said, pissed off. "No, I like it." I say with a small smile on my face. "What are you doing in MK's and Jade's house!?" Mei shouted. "You better not have touched my stuff!" Mk yelled. "If you did your dead." I say calmer than Mei and Mk but still mad.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting here for you? Your house is... depressing. I almost feel bad taking things from you, buuut I'm going to need that magic key." RedSon as he uses his powers to grab the Skeleton Key. "Yoink! So long, noodle boy!" he said as he used his fire powers to transport me to his vehicle, then driving off laughing. "Did he say yoink?" I ask, as I didn't think that word was in his vocab. "Oh no, the key!" Mk shouted. Mei whistled for her bike. As she jumped on and drove after RedSon Mk said, "No Mei, I definitely didn't want to ride." He walks in the direction that they want summing the staff. "Mk now's not the time to be sarcastic." I told him while following him.

Third Person:

Mei follows RedSon who is just driving, pushing people off the road. He notices Mei in the side mirror. Mei grabs out her sword and jumps in front of RedSon. RedSon moves around Mei. Looking back, he screams, "Can't you and your peasant friends just let me plot in peace just one time?!" He exploded into flames as he finished yelling. Mei Laughs and says, "Red flames are cool! Wanna see green ones?!" RedSon confused, asked, "What?" Mei started to use her powers.

Jade's Pov:

Mk and I were using the staff to follow Mei and RedSon, but Mk still doesn't have a good control on moving using the staff. Mk and I interrupt what appears to be a marriage proposal. Mk and I get up and leave, Mk yelling, "Sorry" to the man.

We finally catch up with Mei and RedSon. Mk slammed the staff down into RedSon's car as I landed next to Mei. "You okay Mei?" I ask her. "Ya, I'm fine." She said. RedSon flies out of the damaged vehicle and lands on the tarmac, dropping the key in the process. Mk picks up the key and says, "So, looks like you reach the end of the line, Red Son. What are you even going to do with this anyway?" "Why spoil the surprise? Now hand the key over and quick wasting my time." we hear Princess Iron Fan say as she motions to give her the key.

Mk and Mei draw out their weapons and attack PIF, but sadly she wins. Throwing them against a building, knocking the key out of Mk pocket. RedSon sees it and before I could grab it, he takes it. "Come RedSon, we have things to do" PIF says as she lands on the ground. "Thanks for the key, losers!" RedSon says as they disappear in a wind tornado. "Did they get away with the key?" Mei said, looking around for the key. MK falls to the ground saying, "Yeah. But what I can't figure is... why?" "A key that can open any door is incredibly dangerous. We have to keep our guard up." Mei said.

Third person:

At the Flaming Foundry, the Demon Bull King opens the tomb with the Skeleton Key. The tomb opens. Red Son sees nothing but bones inside. "Bones? It's just bones?" RedSon asked, confused. A blue spirit snakes up Red Son's leg saying, "Freedom" and he tries to shake it off. Red Son and Princess Iron Fan see pieces of the tomb floating as the Demon Bull King maniacal laughs as the blue spirit goes inside his armor and the Bull Clones, taking control of them. The mysterious voice says, "Freedom..."

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