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Why are you so QUIET? they ask!
Breathe in.
Why are you so timid? they ask!
Breathe out.
Why are you so shy? they ask!
Just breathe in.
Why are you so serious? they ask!
Just breathe out.
Why are you so fragile? they ask!
Can't breathe in.
Why are you so awkward? they ask!
Can't breathe out.

QUIET as life happens around you.
QUIET as no one listens when you speak.
QUIET as everyone stares at you expecting you to shriek.
QUIET as your avoiding each question, your intention to speak.

Just be QUIET while they minimize you.

Ignored but center of attention.

Something I forgot to mention.
All loss of focus.
Air sucked out of the room.

If I am just QUIET no one will see.

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