"you tired, baby?" el whispered to her and daisy shook her head. "no, mommy,"

el smiled and nodded before kissing her temple. "good," she turned to fix vada's blanket before daisy gasped and raised both of her hands in the air.

"xanny!" she exclaimed and hoped off el's lap. "xanny, go! xanny, xanny!"

el smiled at the sight and turned to find vada slowly drifting off into sleep so she put a blanket on the top of the car seat to stop the lights from shining her.

"mike, where did you put my cones!?" max exclaimed in the rink. "i took them out!"

"i did not take them!" he exclaimed as she gave a look. "do you see it around!?"

"ugh, lucas really needs to come here and put your attitude in check," he skated to the exit just as max did and she glared at him. "you're an asshole," she whispered so the kids won't hear and he just smiled widely.

"lovely language, max. let's just get your stupid cones,"

el stood, tapping daisy on the shoulder. "hey, baby heart. mama needs the bathroom,"

"but i wanna watch xanny," she pouted and el looked around with a sigh. "okay... stay here then. but stay right here, don't move and stay with vada. do not leave, okay? if anything happens, scream,"

this was a safe rink... it should be fine.

daisy nodded and hugged her legs. "i know, mommy,"

el smiled widely and ruffled her hair. "good, daisy. very very good, my little bug," she moved away and headed to the way of the bathroom in a rush.

daisy jumped up and down and motioned for xander go skate over since mike and max were walking back to the storage room to gather the cones.

xander skated over and daisy giggled and went to hold his hands. "brother, i miss you,"

xander smiled and bent to kiss her forehead. "i love you, daisy dais," he looked around. "where's mama?"

"pee," daisy nodded. "xanny, hungry," she groaned and xander chuckled and ruffled her hair. "we go eat later, sissy. we can—" he got cut off with vada letting out a string of whines and babbles.

"hey!" xander screamed. "don't touch my sister!" he yelled at the man with the black hood on as daisy grabbed onto xander in fear but let out a shrill scream from how he was taking vada away.

"GO AWAY! GO— NO!" she screamed when the man came over and picked both daisy and xander up with ease.

mike and max were quickly alerted with their screams and they instantly ran over, regardless of their skates.

the hooded man looked up for a split second before taking all three of them into his arms to run out the door.

el was now rushing out of the bathroom after hearing daisy and xander's screams and she was instantly running after the man who was holding a kicking and screaming daisy and xander.

"XANDER!" el screamed after them as mike ran out the door first, watching as they got thrown into a black car and being drove off, daisy and xander hitting and kicking on the door and window.

"DAISY!" el ran after the car as max stayed on the curb to pull off her skates to run after her too.

el tiredly came to a stop when the car was now turning at the end of the road. "xander.. vada," el sobbed as max held onto her, turning to find mike on the phone. "daisy.." el cried loudly and grabbed onto max as she crumbled into pieces.

el let out a sob that was more like a scream as max held onto her tightly whilst el hyperventilated in her grasp. "it's him, it's him!" she squeezed on her own skin as her eyes shut, trying to stand to chase after the now disappeared car. "my babies..."

"el, el," max held her back because there was no point. "mike called the police. we will find them. i promise,"

"I DONT CARE ABOUT PROMISES! I CARE ABOUT THEM!" she bellowed. "my... my..." she covered her eyes, sobs escaping as mike came over and hugged her tightly.

"please," she cried, burying her face into his chest. "please," her voice cracked and his heart broke at the sight, tears filling his own eyes.

he pulled her into her chest, his hand buried into her hair as he kissed the top of her head. "don't worry, baby. don't worry."

he handed the phone over to max and whispered. "call hopper."

max nodded, following his instructions as el continued to break down in his hold, knowing she had to find them by tonight.

she had to.

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