[ 1 𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏]

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Shen Yuan could not even count how many days have been passed since he transmit to PIDW universe..He had changed major events and made the story "better" like the system said. But really is this the perfect end? Luo Binghe and him ended up together, THE PROTAGONIST OF A STALLION NOVEL, He couldn't even believe it himself even if they have been together since a long time.

Although it sometimes felt like the person Luo Binghe loved wasn't him, but rather was 'Shen Qingque' that he was living as. Sometimes he even had identity crisis as to who he was anymore..

Luo Binghe had been worried about him, He seemed to doze off and lost in thoughts these days. He didn't even know what was bothering him so much.

Although Shen Yuan tried his best to be honest with him, but he still couldn't tell him this truth. He thought of the past moments they shared together, the one of the master and disciple, where they had been carefree and were able to spend most of their time together.

Luo Binghe had a lot of duties on his hand as he had to handle the demons on his own. He often wished to stay with his shizun but he still had to give him his own space as he was not looking too good these days.

In the beginning they had only been in a disciple and master bond, but now they are no longer just friends. They had become family and had grown closer as the time went by. To them, things that happened in the past couldn't be undone anymore.

Luo Binghe finally decided to confront his shizun about his worries. He wanted to know what was bothering him so much. He slowly approached his shizun, who was seating by a tree lost in thought. He was wearing a light green-bluish coat with his elegant hair flowing as the wind was blowing swiftly, his hair piece was shining as the sun shone on it. It was a beautiful sigtht.

"Shizun, I think we should . . Talk" Luo Binghe said hesitantly.

Shen Yuan looked at him and smiled gently. He extended his hand out for Luo Binghe to hold, "No need, I am fine."

Luo Binghe shook his head, "No you're not. What is the thing that's bothering you?"

Shen Yuan pondered before answering, " I..Binghe, I don't know how I should explain this to you.. I haven't told anybody about this"

"Then why not tell me directly? I can understand if you want to keep it a secret from others, but not from me" Luo Binghe said softly, while holding both of his hands gently.

Luo Binghe knew Shen Yuan better than anyone else;
"Binghe, what if someone close to you told you that they were not the same person who you have been spending your time with.."He said while hesitantly looking at the ground, avoiding any eye contact with Luo Binghe.

Luo Binghe raised an eyebrow, while being in a deep thought and said after sometime " Well, if I were to know them from the beginning and they were the person that I would have loved from the past, then I would have been very upset, but . . If I disliked them from the beginning then I would gladly taken the loveable version of them before their original self"

Shen Yuan clicked his tongue, his situation was too similar . . Does Binghe know something about his transmission? Shen Yuan looked up at Luo Binghe nervously, his heart beating furiously and said with a trembling voice " What are you trying to say?"

"I just told you what I think about it, shizun" he smiled dearly.

Shen Yuan couldn't take it anymore..Binghe deserves to know the truth, he could not hide the truth from this sweet boy anymore.

Shen Yuan opened his mouth mouth to say something, but at the same moment a message popped on the system's screen.

[ A bug has been detected. Unable to continue the using character 'Shen Qingque' any longer. Returning to your original world. ]

Shen Yuan panicked after he saw that message. A light shone blinding both of their visions for few seconds. Shen Yuan felt like he was being pulled in by some kind of force.



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