Chapter 1

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*When the fight almost is over*

Raven and Monty yelled at us to came back to the dropship, so she could click on the botton that would burn everybody to death around the dropship. I was to far away from the dropship so I ran as fast as I could in the woods. I turned around and saw so much fire around camp. I keeped running and when I looked back again there were no fire. I turned around and saw spacewalker running behind me.

Chapter 1.

Clarke POV.

It had been one week sence I"ve been out of this bunker. It was just me and Harper. I had learned to know her much better and she was a really good friend to me now. She had been out of the bunker a few times to find some food. She didn"t want me to go out yet. I listened to her even if I didn"t like the idea of being here all the time. My baby had started to grow inside of me. Sometimes it hurt like hell. But I always think about Bellamy and my other friends. Are they alive? Did they win the war? Did they lose the war? Are Bellamy alive? So many question spined around in my head. Without any damn answer. Sometimes I thought that I started to go insane. If Harper wouldn"t been here, I probobly would escape after 5 minutes or something like that. Harper came running into the bunker now.

-Omg Clarke, the ark has come down. I could see it when I looked after food. My mum and dad are probobly on it. She almost yelled because she was so happy to see her parents again.

-That"s good news. I said to Harper and smiled

-Yes. I think it landed like one hour away from here or something like that.

-Should we go? I can"t be here for weeks. I laugh

-Yeah, your right.

Me and Harper ate the food she had with her and after that we went out of the bunker. Finally I would see my mum. I was both happy and angry to see her. Because, she was the only family member that I had left but she was the one who got my dad floated. Wells had told me that the day before he got killed. He let me hate him instand off me hating my mother.

When we had gone for like twenty minutes me and Harper saw red flames infront of us. And the last thing that I saw was Harper laying on the ground.

Until the end: Book 2 (Bellarke)Where stories live. Discover now