Chapter 70 Teacher 47

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Dai Shiyuan understood that the male lead was being haughty, but she was still a bit unable to bear his high-handed attitude. She made a sound of agreement and hung up the phone.

The male lead was probably coming over to give the female lead a way out. As long as the female lead explained things properly, this matter would probably be resolved.

It seemed that the overbearing male lead was now willing to take the initiative to compromise, indicating that he cared more and more about the female lead.

But was the female lead willing to give face?

Dai Shiyuan was not sure, so she decided to probe first.

She put down her phone and quickly ran out of the door, unexpectedly seeing the female lead playing with the cat in the living room.

Their eyes met, and Dai Shiyuan immediately showed a cute smile and said, "My brother said he's coming over later, probably to clarify what happened earlier."

"Okay." Shan Yaxin responded faintly, turning her head to continue playing with the black cat.

Although the younger sister-in-law's  expression was calm, the excitement in her bright eyes was too obvious. She couldn't ignore it.

Perhaps the younger sister-in-law thought that as long as Dai Wenhao came over, this matter could be explained clearly. But she didn't want to waste her breath on that person, nor did she want to grovel to him.

After waiting for almost an hour, the door was forcefully knocked.

Dai Shiyuan's spirits lifted, she looked at Shan Yaxin who was holding the cat on the sofa, and quickly ran over to open the door.

Seeing the cold face of the male lead, Dai Shiyuan squeezed out a smile and stepped aside, saying, "Brother, come in quickly, Sister Yaxin is in the living room."

Although the male lead had a bad attitude, she didn't mind for the sake of the female lead's face.

It's quite tiring to be a peacemaker these days.

Dai Wenhao walked into the room with big strides, sitting down casually as if he were in his own office, and said in a cold voice, "You must give me a reasonable explanation for what happened today. If the explanation doesn't satisfy me, I'll make sure you know the consequences."

"What do you want me to explain?" Shan Yaxin stopped petting the cat and lifted her eyelids to give Dai Wenhao a cold glance. "It's not the first time I've had a meal with him, and you've even run into us before."

"Is that your explanation?" Dai Wenhao narrowed his eyes and stood up angrily.

Dai Shiyuan retreated to the kitchen door, only showing half of her head to observe the situation outside.

Clearly, the misunderstanding could have been resolved through a simple conversation, but the female lead put on an indifferent attitude, refusing to explain, and her words and behavior implied that the male lead was making a fuss over nothing.

This would only further enrage the male lead and escalate the situation.

"Not explaining means you're admitting it, right?" Dai Wenhao's eyes turned red, and he glared at Shan Yaxin while clenching his fists, making a "cracking" sound.

Dai Shiyuan could hear it even from the kitchen, and her heart trembled with fear.

She was worried that the male lead would lose his temper and hit the female lead, but the female lead remained calm and showed no inclination to explain.

"Fine, since you've done something so shameless, I can only divorce you." Dai Wenhao's eyes were red, and he yelled, his forehead bulging with veins.

Dai Shiyuan could feel that the male lead was on the verge of exploding, and his anger had reached its peak when he said those words.

Paranoid Girlfriend[GL] - (Travel through books)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora