Prologue: Lost Memories

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It's Crystal's sixth birthday, the 20th of May 2007.

Crystal puts on her purple long sleeved shirt and her navy denim overalls. She's really excited for what's to come of her sixth birthday.

She bounds down the stairs with joy but she stops as she hears her parents yelling again, mostly her father though. Her smile turns into a sad frown and then she hears her mother scream and a clank. Her father's hulking figure appears at the end of the stairs a moment later.

Crystal yelps and tries to run away only to be grabbed and dragged down the stairs to the kitchen in tears. She then watches as her father takes out a gun from his pocket and aims it at her head as she hung upside down.

"I'm going to make you watch this little shit die!" her father yells at her mother.

Her mother was on the kitchen floor bruised and crying, blood running from a wound on her forehead. Crystal and her mother lock eyes.

Crystal whimpers and struggles in her father's grip.

"Hold still would you, you little bitch?!" her father drops the gun onto the counter and holds her down against the counter, "Your stupid fucking medical condition has cost us too much damn money!"

Without thinking Crystal grabs the gun and shoots her father in the head. He falls backwards and drops to the floor with a thump. Crystal drops the gun and looks over the edge of the counter to see her father's corpse on the floor, his brain matter splattered on the kitchen window and blood pooling on the floor.

Crystal smiles a little before realising what she'd just done. Crystal wails, Crystal's low glucose alarm wails with her and her mother faints from her injuries.


An hour later a police officer arrives at the little house after reports of screaming and a gunshot. "Police! Open up!" the officer yells as he bangs on the door.

"Coming!" a voice of a little girl exclaims. The officer hears the pitter patter of little feet come to the door. The door opens to reveal a six-year-old girl with brown hair and brown eyes, she was wearing a purple long sleeved shirt and a pair of navy denim overalls.

"Are you alright sweetheart? What's your name?" the officer asks.

"I'm Crystal and I'm okay. Mommy isn't though," the girl grabs his hand and leads him into the kitchen. He looks on the ground to see a passed-out woman and a dead man who'd been shot in the temple.

"We're going to need an ambulance over here," the officer says into his radio. The girl looks up at the officer and tilts her head. He looks down at her, "What happened here?"

"Daddy was going to kill me in front of mommy. I fought back and he dropped his gun. I grabbed it and shot him," the girl explains nonchalantly. The officer stares down at the girl in fear, "Is mommy going to be okay?" the girl looks back at her mother.

"Yeah... Once the ambulance gets here," the officer sighs and rubs his temples, "D-Do you understand that you just killed your father? Do you have any concept of death?"

Crystal looks back at the corpse of her father then back up to the officer. "He threatened me with it lots of times. He killed our dog as a way to get more money from mommy to gamble and do drugs. He then blames my condition for why we're not that good with money."

"What's your condition exactly?" the officer asks.

"Type one diabetes," Crystal replies, "It's not my fault I got it."

"You're right... It's not your fault kid," the officer looks behind him to see two ambulance officers with a stretcher. "She's there," he points to Crystal's unconscious mother. The two pick up the woman and put her on the stretcher, they walk out again back to their van and drive off.

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