₁₃. vulnerability

Start from the beginning

Kira walked through the gallery of the fort, letting her eyes wander from picture to picture, from Lantsov to Lantsov. Allowing herself to search within their features and try to find some of her own. Yet not a single person painted within those walls, not a single king or queen, looked like her.

Stopping in front of the last family portrait, she lifted her hand to her young face, where she stood with full pink cheeks and hazel eyes, her face as regal as she'd ever looked at such a young age.

Closing her eyes, Kira prayed for the little girl that died in the Fold. May Faina Kira rest in peace, and may she laugh as she runs through the marbled halls because Kira would never be that little girl again.

She looked down at her hand, at her rings, and took the one on her pinky finger off, just as she heard steps from behind her. Glancing up, she found Nikolai at the door, smiling at her.

"You're really not staying?" he asked as he walked into the gallery and stopped beside her. "You do know we have more money than what I just paid your... Kaz."

Kira snorted softly and shook her head, reaching for his hand she put her ring on her his palm and closed his fingers around it.

"I'm ready to let her go. The girl I used to be. I always thought I already had, that she'd died but... I've been carrying her on my shoulders my whole life because I thought if I held on to her I would be holding on to what was good about me. I don't need a heart of a saint to love, though."

"Calling yourself a Saint is a bit of a stretch," Nikolai said as he smiled at her. "You were a menace as a child."

"But I was untouched by the darkness of the world. Mostly because of you. I never knew the bad things." Kira sighed as she pulled her hands away from him and looked down at the ring he'd given her. "I'm ready to let her go but you're my brother and that's something I will never forget."

"Good," Nikolai said with a smile as he reached for a chain around his neck and took it off before slipping her ring inside and clasping it back on. "I will never forget you either, sister. And even though you'll decline, you're cordially invited for the coronation."

She let out a laugh. "I cordially deny. I have business in Ketterdam, Niko. Perhaps for your wedding, I'll make the time."

"I'm not marrying Alina, not anymore."

"Who said anything about Alina?" replied Kira with a small smile and Nikolai let out a laugh.

"Nothing escapes your notice, does it?"

"I've never seen you in love, Niko, it was easy to point it out. But then again, you can hardly talk, you noticed it about me too, remember?"

Nikolai nodded, "I still think he's the reason you're not staying."

"As opposed to your annoying person being the reason why I'm going?" said Kira. Nikolai snorted.

"I'm delightful."

"Delusional, you mean?" a voice came from the doorway and Kira turned to see the girl, Morana, standing there with a small smile as she looked at Nikolai. Morana's eyes turned to Kira and she smirked, "The Whisperer of the Barrel. You're famous around the sea, did you know that?"

"I did not," Kira replied with a grin, "but it's quite flattering."

"I'm Morana," she introduced herself, "I was just wondering if I could borrow your brother."

"I'm loving how you two keep speaking as if I'm not here at all," commented Nikolai and Morana rolled her eyes.

"Darling, your ego takes up half the space in the room, your presence is very much noticeable," she replied, and Kira was watching them with an amused smile.

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