
Comincia dall'inizio

"belly seriously lets go" cam tried once again

"wait what didn't mean anything?"

"um, them uh kissing" belly shrugged assuming everyone knew, "he like love you, and.." but before she could finish cam has successfully pulled her away.

"awkward" poppy mumbled

"did you know?" shayla had now turned her attention to noa, who was sitting very quiet

"yes, but conrad told me steven had told you right after it happened, and that you didn't want anyone to bring it up" noa spoke honestly, " i would have told you had i known you didn't know yet"

"yeah okay we're gonna go" shayla spoke softly walking away with the other debs.

"fuck" noa sighed

"fuck alright" poppy chuckled


"hello sea creature" belly yelled walking towards conrad in the outdoor shower, "oh sea creature... where are you?"

"uh i'm in the shower" conrad mumbled

"everybody left" belly pouted, "your girlfriend scared them away" the lie slipped through belly's teeth, "but we still have margaritas to drink" she said trying to hand the boy a drink.

"okay, well i can't drink that while i'm in the shower" the fisher boy replied, still confused about what belly said about noa scaring the girls away, "what did noa say to the girls?"

"oh i don't know, something about telling shayla about steven and taylor" belly shrugged


"um belly just go drink some water, i have to go deal with something" conrad said quickly turning off the shower and beginning to rush off.

"wait!" the boy turned in his tracks at her words, "did you get me that infinity necklace for my birthday?" the boy paused, "i knew it. i knew i was right!" she cheered


"no go deal with your drama thats all i wanted to know" the girl skipped away with a giddy smile

conrad rubbed his face before sighing and walking away, before bumping into poppy who gave him a dirty look, unknowing to the fact that she had heard the entire conversation between him and belly.


conrad bursted into his bedroom finding noa with her head buried in her phone, her eyebrows furrowed.

"noa what did you do?" conrad asked the girl as he pulled her phone out of her hands to get her to look at him

"what the hell?" she scoffed, "you can't just take my phone like i'm a child, and what do you mean i did nothing?"

"seriously noa, this is not the time for you to act all innocent, you fucked up, why did you tell shayla?" conrad's voice was full of anger

"tell shayla what?!" noa matched his tone

"oh my god noa! you told shayla that steven and taylor made out, you probably fucked up everything!" he yelled, his voice making noa jump, he had never acted like this to her

"i didn't tell shayla anything, i'm currently trying to deal with the drama that has happened due to her finding out" the girl responded

"stop lying belly told me!"

"seriously you just believe everything she tells you?" she scoffed, "it was belly not me"

"belly has no reason to lie about that, you do!" conrad continued yelling, "you've been against her since day one!"

"no!" noa was the one yelling now, "you do not get to spin this back on me, i did nothing!" she moved closer to the boy jabbing him in the chest with her finger, "and you do not get to speak to me like this, i don't care if your dad pissed you off, or if it's just this stupid slump you've been in the past few months but i refuse to have you yell at me for something i didn't do" the girl now had tears beginning to form in her eyes.


"don't fucking speak to me right now, go sort your shit out" she stepped back from him again, "and until you do, i'm not being near you" the james girl had now snatched her phone back from her boyfriend and left the room slamming the door behind her.

"fuck" conrad sighed, he had really screwed up

𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙮 . . . 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙧𝙖𝙙 𝙛𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙧Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora