Writers block

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Writers block #1:
Staring at blank walls
Blank pages fill up my mind
All motivation is gone
Is there even a point in trying to write?
I tap and tap and tap and tap my pen
Hopeful to bring a new idea onto paper
Maybe even something that's never been done before
And yet my mind still blanks
Is it gone? The creative spark
The very spark that kept me going for so long
Where did it go?
I feel as if I had it a moment ago
Now it's vanished
I read and listen to music in hopes that I can drain even the tiniest bit of inspiration-
But nothing happens
Why can't I think of something
Something "new" or "exciting
But instead I hear the clock ticking
And ticking and ticking
A reminder of how quiet my mind has gone
A reminder of all my old ideas-
The ideas that used to excite me and give me a reason to keep going
Day by day by day by day

Writers block #2:
The days of laughter are over
The days of naive love
The days of thinking everything will be ok
The days when we were young
We both remember that night when you held me close
We both remember that day when you were laying down with me
We were at height of our love
The love we thought would never end
And when we fell we were never the same
And when we fell I couldn't bare to see you
The one who broke me more than I'd ever been broken
The one who tore me apart
And I wish I could say that we could go back to how we were
And I wish I could say that it will all be ok
But I can't say that I won't miss you and I can't say that I'm glad it ended
So I'll go away, far from here
Somewhere I've never been hurt
And I'll disappear, forget my face, you won't see me again
And all you have is the memories of when we were young
When we were young

Writers block #3:

Recently, I've fallen quiet
Letting things pass me by
I no longer fight back, the way I did
Even if it means time passes me by
Even if it means I move like a light
I'd rather stay quiet then be ignored
When I try to speak
I'd rather be quiet then have no one listen to me
I'd rather be quiet than cause disruption
I'd rather stay quiet then let everyone get bored
But maybe
I stay quiet
Because I let other people silence...
Maybe I should be louder
Maybe I should speak up
Maybe I should make myself heard
But even if I tried would I be able to?
Or would I be to scared to
Let people hear what I have to say
And so I'll just stay quiet, maybe I'll just keep watching
And only have little bursts of noise
As time passes me by, and the world moves around....

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