•○[Chapter three]○•

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Xingqiu's Pov

They looked so beautiful standing there. They won the competition and I was so proud of them. They worked very hard, and their win was well deserved.

After they were done talking, I said that
I wanted to talk to them.
They looked so beautiful, and I finally wanted to ask them out on a date

"So Y/n I wanted to ask you something very important." I said

"What is it, xingqiu?" Y/n said

"Well, I've been wondering if you maybe wanted to go on a date with me? I've grown very fond of you." I asked y/n while getting a pink tint on my cheek.

"Yes, I would love that." y/n answered

"Well, meet me tomorrow night at the place we met yesterday." I said when I left, I started smiling.

I was so happy that they said yes, and I'm glad I asked them. It was late, so I just went home.

End of xingqius Pov


After xingqiu left, you couldn't help but smile. You couldn't believe it. You were actually going on a date with the blue haired boy.

You were very excited about the date it was already dark outside, so you went home. You picked up some flowers on your way and laid down on some grass so you could look at the beautiful night sky.

The wind was blowing against your skin, and you could only hear the grass moving from the wind.

You fell asleep still laying on the grass.

In the morning, you woke up from a bug crawling on your face. You slapped, it away and opened your eyes only to realize that you were still laying on the ground.

"Did I really fall asleep here?" You thought

You stood up and walked home. When you finally arrived, you had a hot shower.
After you were finished, you brushed your teeth and hair.

You wore something comfortable and used some skincare products.
You started writing more for some of your books until you had to get ready for the date.

Then you started to put on a fancy outfit and went outside.
When you arrived at your meeting, spot xingqiu wasn't there yet. Well, you could not see him yet.

Suddenly everything went dark and you heard a familiar voice say "trust me just follow where I will lead you"

Xingqiu took your hand and led you to somewhere you couldn't see. When you, too, arrived, he unfolded the blindfold that was covering your eyes.

There was a small table with two chairs standing on a flower field near the ocean.
On the table was a lit candle and two plates with your favourite dish.

"This is amazing," you said while hugging xingqiu. You both sat down and started eating.

"So I have a little surprise for you," xingqiu said while pulling out a black box that contained a beautiful necklace with a dark blue charm that was built like a flower.

"It's beautiful. I can't thank you enough, " you said while xingqiu put the necklace on you.

After you both finished eating, you laid down in the grass to look at the stars.
You loved the moon and the stars and used to always look at them as a kid.

You didn't have many friends as a kid, so you always talked to the stars, hoping at least they would listen.
It comforted you, and it still does.
There was this one star that never moved places and was the brightest of them all, so you liked this one the most.

You wanted to be like this star "Good enough" to shine like this for other people, but you thought you didn't.

It had gotten late, and you both had to go

"Thank you again for this date, xingqiu. I had a lot of fun." You said

"Me too, and I will still take you home," Xingqiu answered

Xingqiu brought you home and left after.


Xingqiu Pov

I just took them home, and they looked so pretty. Their hair and outfit were well done, and I love seeing them happy.

I walked home while still thinking about the date. I hope we can have a second one soon.

When I got home, I dressed into my pyjamas and brushed my teeth.

I haven't slept that much for the past couple of days, so I was very tired and happy to sleep.
I laid down in bed and fell asleep fast.

End of Xingqius pov

Authors note : Thank you for reading!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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