||16|| Bad Habits

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-Benicio Drew-

Y/N loved being hyper, she was always such a loud and rowdy girl, that's what Benicio loved about her, never quiet and always up for anything. But of course, the night didn't stop you either, it took Benicio a very long time to get you to bed, after a few hours and bottles of warm milk, cuddling into his warm body, you rather sleep in his room with him. But of course, the mob had to get used to it, Benicio was your father, and you were here to stay. No one would take you away from him, ever again. "Angel, please settle down." Benicio said in a hushed tone, only in sweat pants, he just stood in his bedroom with you, frantically jumping on his bed. "Never!" You shouted. Someone loudly banged on the wall from the neighboring room. "HEY! KNOCK IT OFF OVER THERE!"  Benicio yelled, you stopped. And stared to whimper, thinking he was yelling at you. So you started to cry your eyes out. Benicio turned back to look at you, "Oh! Angel no... I wasn't talking to you! Angel... It's alright my little girl... Oh sweet girl..." He said, softly stroking your wings, Benicio knew you had a habit of being loud and obnoxious. But he didn't see it as a bad thing, he found it absolutely hilarious. 

-Mr. Moon-

Your so-called bad habit was called: "Living to empress others." You thought that's what you had to do when you were the daughter of Mr. Moon, he was an elegant man, with very high standers, but he didn't expect anything from you, only to be yourself and never give a damn about what anyone says about you, but of course high school girls are mean and have nothing any better to do but torment you. "Ew! Look at Y/N!" The group laughed at you, you had no time to pick out an outfit this morning, so sweat pants and a random shirt would do the trick. You had slept in since you had so much homework to do the overnight. Just more stress to add to the piles... "Leave me alone dollar store barbies..." You said, walking away with your books and bag, your dad outside waiting for you. Not noticing he was there, you slumped down against a pillar and let everything out, Moon immediately ran to you and wrapped you in his arms. "Oh, my little moonshine, what's wrong?!" He asked. The girls walked out and laughed at you, Moon noticed and glared at them, then saw the group leader's parents... "Watch her, hang on star." He kissed your head then led you to the car, leaving you there so he could have a chat with her parents, they were pissed. You flipped her off before leaving. When the three of you got home, you ran to your room, slamming the door shut behind you. Moon came behind you, knocking on the door a few times. "Star? May I come in?" He asked, his heart shattered when he heard soft crying. He opened the door, despite no answer. "Oh baby..." He got into the bed with you, pulling your blanket covered body into his lap. "My shooting star... What is wrong with you? Please tell me, I am your father, I would never laugh at you, I would never judge you, and I would never shame you." He said, kissing your head softly. You busted into tears, gripping your dads vest tightly. "Oh, my dear star shine..." He said. "I'm so sick of acting perfect! I hate it s-so much! I don't want to be a perfect princess just because I'm your daughter!" You shouted, hitting his chest with your fist a few times. Moon looked at the snake. "Oh dear... You don't have to be perfect just because you're my baby!" You looked up at him with denial. "Yes I do! Your perfect...!" You shouted, getting of his lap and to the farthest corner of your bed. Away from Moon. "My dear girl, you don't have to be perfect, you have to be yourself, that's what makes you perfect my dear." You looked at him, then threw your arms around his neck. "Thank you daddy..."

-Boris Drew-

Y/N had a very bad habit, which Boris just couldn't get her to break! Her bad habit was: "Not being able to say no." Boris knew many people in the mob would use that to take a big advantage of you. "Come on now sweetheart! You need to stop saying yes!" Your dad said. You had gone with out food for a couple days, all because three girls kept asking for your lunch money, and you just couldn't say no! you wanted to be a nice person. And Boris knew that, but he didn't want you to starve! So he made you a sandwich, chips, and any drink you wanted. "Thank you daddy." He smiled, kissing your head, "Don't let people take advantage of you that easily."

-Abel Angel-

Abel loves you a lot, but he hates your bad habit, and how much you love it. You absolutely love to stay in bad or toxic situations, you find it funny when a fight breaks out between someone and you, or two people. You'll just be screaming: "BEAT HIS ASS BRO!!!" You route for whoever you like, or if it looks like they're going to win. You were an absolute opposite of an angel; you were a pure devil. Like, you would come home with busies, scratches, and cuts. Abel would and will be pissed with you and the person you fought with.

-Moon Man-

Moon was making about fifteen cocktails; you were drying off a few cups in the back, your bad habit was apologizing to much, you went to the front of the bar with your dad, and begun talking to Boris. "So how have you been?" He asked. "Good!" You practically shouted. "Oh! S-Sorry!" Moon knew were this was going. "Darling, stop apologizing for everything." He said. "Okay, sorry daddy." You replied, Benicio chuckled. "Y/N." He said. "R-Right! Sor-" Moon covered your mouth. "My Dear, you need to stop that!" Mr. Moon said, coming out from behind the racks. Moon didn't like it when his older brother came to visit him, especially since you were Moon Mans daughter. 

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