Part 2 - Elleegard the Redstone Engineer.

Start from the beginning

However, Ashter spotted something.

An interesting... Machine.

"Welcome one and welcome all! This is the future of crafting ladies and gentlemen!" A woman says as Ashter cuts off,

"W-Wait! Where are you going?" Olivia wondered as Ashter gives her the items,

"I'm... Going to check out some other machines. You find Ellegaard without me." Ashter states as the man goes to see...

"Taking a few components, I made a machine that collects, crafts, and reuses bottles to make..." The man soon grabs a, although rather weak, potion from the tunnel of other bottles.

"Potions! Not even your time can be wasted to make such irritating liquids!" He showcases this to others, as Ashter looks away, annoyed.

"Machines that make potions... Then what's the point of making them?" Ashter wondered as he looked around some more,

It didn't spark much interest, the place being heaven for redstone contraptions and so many other gadgets unknown back home.

"Man... Hopefully that Witherstorm didn't just devour everything in its way..." Ashter sighs, hoping he can go back to living normally soon.

But as he continued, he noticed something...

"!" Ashter looked to see...

"Well, hello friend." Says a woman, dark complexion and all,

"Hello..." Ashter look peeks to see the machine,

"What's... This for?" He wondered as the woman was SO happy to say,

"THIS is my new invention! An auto farm like my sister's over that! But, instead of Sugar Cane, it farms wood! Man, the homes I helped build with this puppy... You gotta love machines! This will get me a spot to become Ellegaard's protege!" She states as Ashter asked for a showcase of the machine, the woman obliging as she is seen flipping a switch. Complex components go to work, and imminently the tree is grown, and soon, a tree or broke down.

"YES! Another success! But... TNT is also hard to come by, thanks to the black market from Boom Town being discovered by a security guard. Man... If only I can access Ellegaard's farms! MAN, I need to get to work!" She states, with Ashter ending it with,

"Do you mind if I can have some spare wood?" He wondered as the woman smiles,

"Sure! But I need the rest, so here's two." She hands him one, the man smiling and thanking the woman.

"Great, thank you!" Ashter thanked the woman, who smiled back,

"Anytime." She smiled brightly.

Ashter soon heads up to the crafting table, with Jesse soon finishing...

"Score! We got a Repeater!" Jesse states as Ashter smiled,

"Way to go, Jesse." Ashter congratulated him, as the man says,

"Come on, we need to head up to Ellegaard and fast!" Jesse asked him to hurry, with the man crafting...

8 Wooden Planks!


Flint and Steel

Wooden Planks (8)

Wooden Sticks (2)


Instant Heal Potion (2)

Fire Resistance Potion (1)

Strength Potion (1)

Invisibility Potion (1)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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