Chapter 34: The Tournament

Start from the beginning

The diver is a bit skeptical and wanted to focus on helping Captain Caviar Cookie, but they also think about themselves since they are worried about their abilities hurting other cookies. They nodded slowly which help them a bit.

"Alright, make sure to calm yourself down in order to help control your abilities," Baumkuchen Cookie smile at them as they gave a lollipop to Candy Diver Cookie. They stare at the lollipop and ask for one more since they want to give it to a friend.

Back in the other room, Oyster Cookie has been talking to Clotted Cream Cookie while they wait. "So even you didn't know?" Clotted Cream Cookie asked.

"Yes, I am angry he did that behind my back. I don't know why he is so irresponsible knowing how risky it is," Oyster Cookie held her head as she couldn't hold back her anger, which surprises Clotted Cream Cookie as he has never seen her that angry like that. Of course, Clotted Cream Cookie knows that Oyster Cookie doesn't know that he knows about him knowing about Captain Caviar Cookie being a mercookie.

"I been wondering about that and since he is busy in the tournament, I figure I should ask Candy Diver Cookie about this since they are with him longer than us," Clotted Cream Cookie scratch his head.

"Same to me, although I am worried about them given their health and-" Oyster Cookie was interrupted when Baumkuchken Cookie and Candy Diver Cookie left the room.

"Huh? I didn't expect more cookies to be here?" Baumkuchen Cookie looks at everyone in the room. "it seems cookies will do care about you." He smiled but Candy Diver Cookie isn't as they saw Custard Cookie and tries to avoid eye contact. Custard Cookie looks angry that they didn't bother to look at him.

Peppermint Cookie and Squid Ink Cookie smile as they proceed to hug them which helps them a bit before giving them lollipops. They smile and licked the lollipops, which brought to Custard Cookie Cookie the III's attention as his eyes sparkle.

"Oh, I didn't know are here already. Since you are here, have a lollipop," Baumkuchen Cookie smiles as he gave a lollipop to Custard Cookie the III.

He smiled as he thanked him. "Wow, this looks like Strawberry Cookie's lollipop weapon," he said before he licked the lollipop.

"Candy Diver Cookie, are you alright?" Oyster Cookie came as she asked them with a concerned look.

Candy Diver Cookie didn't expect to meet up with Oyster Cookie right now especially when they are planning to avoid her as they are afraid of how she would react to Captain Cavair Cookie joining. But they did miss her and responded that they are alright and just need to rest up a bit.

"That is good to know and I know I shouldn't ask but...can we talk somewhere privately?" Oyster Cookie whispered to them. Candy Diver Cookie can tell this is about Captain Caviar Cookie and just nodded.

"Can we also come along? We are also concerned," Clotted Cream Cookie frowned which the elder nodded.

"Candy Diver Cookie, where are you going?" Peppermint Cookie stares at Candy Diver Cookie leaving with them.

Candy Diver Cookie explained that they want to talk about something privately and they catch up with them later on. Peppermint Cookie and Squid Ink Cookie frowns which Financier Cookie notice.

"Custard Cookie the III, wanna join them while we wait?" Financier Cookie looks at him and smiles as she looks at the children.

Custard Cookie the III smile. "Sure, I did hear about Peppermint Cookie from your friend," he greeted Peppermint Cookie as they began walking together while Candy Diver Cookie went with Oyster Cookie and Clotted Cream Cookie.

"Oh that is right, my friend told me about you. Hope they didn't cause trouble in the kingdom," Peppermint Cookie smiles as they shake their hands.

"Well that cookie is still trouble but that is what I like about them, hope their trip is doing well. And it is good- Squid Ink Cookie?" Custard Cookie the III was shocked to see them again which made him scared.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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