The mind is man's most powerful weapon

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The three girls hopped out of the Delamain, each with varying degrees of anger shown either by their expressions, which was the case with Dorio. Their verbal abuse at the Animal, Sasha and their lack of hesitance to pull iron out and pop the head off the Animal, Rebecca.

Amidst the chaos, stood David, the young teen was equally shocked and proud about the events that had occurred. He had managed to defeat an Animal, though outsmarting their kind was relatively easy.

He was more intrigued and afraid of the small white girl with pink tattoos sprinkled all over her body. Who was unloading a round of iron into the already dead body of Bear. The big, muscular woman approached him amidst the chaos.

"Hey Kid" She said, drawing his attention. "You were getting chased by that Animal right?"

It was more of a statement than a question, David felt compelled to answer. "That's right"

"I know it's not hard to piss off an Animal, bu-" she started lecturing David, until her instincts told her to jump back and pull out some iron. Out from the sky dropped a man, about the same height as her.

As she pulled out her chrome the man seemed to move faster than her, without an implant. Tossing the boy behind him while pulling out a knife in his right hand and rushing to Dorio. The gun never got into her second hand as he used his free hand to point the muzzle at her foot while holding the blade to her throat. She looked into his eyes and realised she was cornered before she even had a chance.

They stood still as everyone else, who were too slow to react, finally caught up with the latest drama. Dorio took the safest action possible, she didn't want to go out like this. "Becca DO NOT SHOOT!"

Rebecca, who had just started to turn and aim her guns at the man, frowned as she saw her friend a knife point. Sasha had already gone into her netrunner persona, ready to disable the ICE surrounding the mystery man.

"Shit" Sasha said as sweat dropped down her face, this man's ICE was off the charts, not something she could easily quick hack without it backfiring big time.

The man's eyes scanned the area, letting the tension build for a few seconds. He spoke slowly and carefully "I think this is a misunderstanding"

He released Dorio and jumped back to a position to where he could easily reach any one of the three girls.

Dorio had to agree, her instincts were what started this confrontation. She slid her iron back into its holster as she agreed with the man's statement. "It's okay girls... he's not a hostile"

"You fuckin kidding me D?" Becca all but screamed, pointing her iron at Dorio comically. "He full on 'SAKA NINJA'D your ass and got Sasha freaked out and you expect him not to be a big bad guy?"

"Just trust me Becca" Dorio replied, never not focusing on the man. "He's not out enemy"

Rebecca looked between the two and sighed. "This girls night out is weird"

"You okay there?" The man asked the boy, who was still processing what was going on.

"James?" He screamed a second later. "Why are you here?"

"Your mother was worried you might do some gonk shit... guess she was right" James replied as he looked at the damaged Delamain. "Who's the one with a subscription?"

"Me" Dorio replied instantly. It seemed like James didn't want to waste any time being in the middle of the road, surrounded by possible hostiles. A sum of ten thousand eddies was immediately transferred over to her, more than enough to cover the repairs and next few months of subscription.

"I apologise for any inconvenience that we may have caused you" James said as he relaxed his posture. "I can arrange another ride for you three if needed"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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