-1- Surprise -1-

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Your knees felt weak as you watched the marks slowly but surely fade from Yuji's face. Sukuna...had just kissed you before disappearing saying something about "no rizz" leaving Yuji, the boy who had been nothing but a sweetheart to you a blushing mess.

"Y/n! I have no idea what he was doing! Please let me make it up to you! While the kiss was nice it wasn't consensual and I am so sorry!" Yuji still held your cheek in his and had his other sitting on your hip as you shakily let out the breath you had been holding.

"No...no...you're fine Yuji...it was nice..." you said weakly as you felt your heart continue to flutter in your chest. Yuji turned about as pink as his hair is as he choked on his words gulping. You watched his adam's apple bob as he did so feeling your face get much warmer as you did so. A deep voice interrupted your thoughts a mouth forming on Yuji's cheek.

"C'mon brat, I didn't do that for nothing! She obviously wants to kiss you again!" Yuji jolted at the sudden appearance of Sukuna and turned red as he chuckled lightly.

"Oh man! I guess- I mean are you okay with it Y/n?" You looked up at the boy and grabbed his collar smashing his lips against yours as what started as a simple kiss turned into a full-blown make-out session, you felt his soft lips move against yours happily obliging when the lips pulled at his bottom lip his lips parting as your tongues began to mingle. When finally the both of you come up for air a trail of saliva is all that was left from the heated kiss. Yuji's eyes were wide his face a cherry red as he panted.

"Take me out for dinner," you said simply as you drew in heavy breaths your face red.

"Dinner? Oh! Yeah, dinner!" he said still processing what just happened.

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After dinner, the two of you decided that a peaceful walk in the park would be best suited to talk things over.

"Does that mean you're my girlfriend? Since we kinda...uh...made out..." Yuji said blushing as he recalled the heated moment between the two of you earlier in the day.

"I mean, do you want me to be your girlfriend Yuji?" You asked looking to the side flustered at the mention of your previous actions.

"I...would love that Y/n...can I..uh kiss you again?" he asked as he looked at you biting his lip nervously. My little baby man...

"Of course, you can Yu-" Your words were lost in the sudden kiss planted on your lips. Someone seemed a little impatient...You felt his hand move to cup your face as your arms wrapped around his neck tangling in the soft pink hair on his head. He pulled away his face hovering mere inches from yours.

"Your lips are so soft..."

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Word Count: 501

listen I haven't read a whole lot about Yuji but I think he's a cute little baby

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