caillou meat his lovly momy at walmart

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Caillou went to Walmart to buy himself material gworl glasses after being pregnant with Alexandra's and Jaime's child he was choosing a name for the baby he looked up to see a sign with the perfect name for the baby dingle he loved that name he fell to the ground he pushed he gave birth to a combination of grass and Jessica he realized jaime and Alexandra were cheating on him with Jessica and grass he didn't like the baby so he made another baby and sent dingle to Satan himself so he could show him his material gworl dance it's called Gamnenstyle Caillou wanted to get an x ray to see does he need an abortion if the baby gonna be ugly he pushed while x ray was getting taken the baby came out if looked like a mixture of dingle and Caillou Caillou was ok with it because he had a mixture of him so he names it before he could name it he pushed out 2 more he had 3 kids to name he named them baltherazar, megatron and space Pam Caillou didn't like name space Pam so he started calling her sp sp was a mix of Caillou and jaime and Jessica he cut space Pam in half so Jessica got cut of so he had jaime and him when he got back from Walmart he went straight back home to his super mommy he sat on her lap and told her about his day that's when he realized him mom was pregnant with a different man's baby she was cheating on daddy jakey boo boo bear so Caillou went to kitchen and grabbed Jessica half of baby and 💀 his mommy with it by shoving it down her throat so she couldn't breath Caillou was proud of himself she decided to take rosie to chippy he threw rosie in oil so she got deal fried then he made out with jaime because he thought jaime feet were attractive

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