The witch hunt

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"Hey you why weren't you with her today?"

"Why were you late, your always with her."

"Is she the witch?"
"No that's not it."

"We'll find out once we burn you in the fire of judgment."

"I was in my room I'm not lying."She backed away from the gun.

"You two were always together, but today you happened to not be with her."

"It's decided then she's the witch."
I watched as a people started to lift her up and take her away.

Mira interrupted
"Calm down, let go of Asahi."

"There should be other suspects, where were you all when it happened and do you have proof?"Usagi defended the girl.

"Just say it!"

I cringed as Niragi said a snarky comment to usagi.

"All of you will take turns on what you have been doing in the past hour."

"She has blood on her."A random girl yelled, pointing at An
" could she be the witch." Niragi yelled walking closer to An.

"No."She. Interrupted sternly

"Don't get the wrong idea, this is hatters blood."
"I was checking his body."

"His body."a girl muttered, there was confusion going on.

"Hatter was murdered."She sighed.

Gasps we're heard around the crowd.

"Why did they keep this from us."I heard people say

"Calm down."Kuzuyuru said
Everyone listened it weren't quite again.

"This bullet was found, which means someone from the beach killed hatter."An held up the bullet.

A girl started yelling some nonsense about how the person who killed hatter also killed Momoka.
But she was stopped by Last boss who pierced a sword into her chest, killing her instantly.

Everyone backed away from him as her body hit the ground.

"How troublesome, how about we just burn everyone we find."

I found myself moving forward directly behind Aguni.
"If someone among us is the witch, then everyone other than the militant member is the witch."

"Who's the witch?Come forward."

"If nobody does then everybody will be thrown in the fire."

I took this as my chance to slip out of the militant group.
I slowly walked back into the crowd then harshly pushed my way out.

I could only hope that everyone was safe as I heard gun shots from behind me.

I thought maybe I could redeem myself, my plan was to help people instead of being selfish like in all the other games I knew this killing wasn't necessary, people don't have to die like this.

I went to my room to get some stuff, my stamina sure did improve while being here so I got there quickly.

I grabbed my weapons and wasted no time in heading back out.

I paused when i saw a group that seemed to be walking towards me, they were all visibly scared and stared at me in horror.

"I won't hurt you relax."

I slowly walked up to them as they backed away.

It was a group of four women who looked about the same age as me.Blood stained one of their clothes and they looked out of breath.

The borderlands~reflectionsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat