Love was a complicated concept. You could feel various types of love toward a person— love for a friend, family member, and pet. But this type of love was different. It was more passionate than the rest; you feel a whirlwind of emotions— confusion, devotion, adoration, and melancholy all wrapped in a bundle in your heart. This love drove people insane, longing for their lover to be with them until time's end. 

Florence believed the idea of romantic love was simple. You meet someone, and you like them, then they like you, and the rest becomes history. It was more than that— Florence was only lucky to meet Neil under these strange circumstances. Would her parents even approve of Neil? She suddenly remembered that her mother wanted her to meet a boy named James. She was sure he was decent, but he was no Neil Perry, even if she hadn't met him yet. Would James willingly walk her to her dorm every day without fail?

It was only their first date, which hadn't even started— yet Florence was already nervous. It was an unbreakable habit of hers to overthink constantly about her future. Her uncle advised her to live in the present or where you were now. She hasn't followed that advice yet, but will Neil and the rest of the Dead Poets, she was ready. 

"Should we go now?" Neil offered, extending a hand outside the hallway. Florence nodded as she exhaled one last time and left with him. The winter air was crisp, making her shiver. She linked arms with Neil as they walked down the stairs and outside the building. 

It was still late afternoon, meaning some students were still playing outside. They walked onto the frosty grass field, admiring the gorgeous view. Some boys glanced at the couple, eyes firing with jealousy while Florence swallowed uncomfortably.

"Where are we going?" Florence huffed, feeling the condensation on her frozen skin. 

She felt Neil shrug. "I'm not sure. Anywhere," he responded, a light chuckle escaping his lips. "I wasn't sure if you wanted something simple or extravagant, so I decided to let you choose," he added.

Florence paused, beaming at his carefulness. "We could go to town," she suggested. The brunette boy's eyes lit up. 

"Have you been there before?" Neil questioned, leading Florence off campus. They were greeted with rows of trees leading into town, leaves drifting slowly to the grass. The girl shook her head,  noticing the buildings ahead. She grinned excitedly before taking Neil's hand and rushing him into town.


The city beside Welton was smaller than Florence thought—only a few quaint buildings along the main street while the town hall rested in the center. Nevertheless, it was more beautiful than anything the girl had ever seen. 

The pair strolled through the streets while pedestrians nodded and waved politely. Everyone surrounding Neil and Florence seemed to know each other, as many residents paused and had short conversations with the workers at the shops. One building caught her eye—decorated with vivid flowers (Florence was surprised they hadn't died due to the cold), and the window had an icy wooden sign hanging from the canopy. Mae's Café, it read.

Florence grabbed Neil's arm. "Shall we?" she suggested, nodding toward the quaint establishment. The lovestruck boy only smiled in reply as she dragged him inside, greeted by the warmth of the oven cooking baked goods in the kitchen. 

Ground coffee beans were caught in the aroma of the building, reminding Florence of home. Every morning she would wake up with a fresh cup of coffee in her seat. It was the only time she would be alone during the day, with peace from her parents. 

They were seated by the window, allowing Florence to admire the town's locals. Neil watched her as she pointed at the bookstore across the street. "We should go there," she suggested. 

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