A Visitor, Courtesy Of Steve

Start from the beginning

Steven Grant Rogers

Avengers Tower

Manhattan, NY

March 18th 2015

James Buchanan Barnes

Newgate Prison

Manhattan, NY

Cell 107


Sorry it took me so long to send this, but I was sent on a mission for a few days and didn't come back until yesterday. Besides, I had to wait until I got back to give this letter to Tony so he could give it to you. I hope it's alright that I sent him to come and fix your arm. I know you would probably prefer to see me...but I want to save that moment for when you're out of prison. I'd like to see you out in the open, not behind bars, or surrounded by other people. There's so many things we've got to catch up on pal.

I have to admit, getting a reply from you, I didn't expect you to write so much. I also didn't expect that drawing. It's beautiful, Bucky, it's exactly how I remember you drawing. You were so good at it. Maybe you could use that as a way to help you through the tough times. Your letter worried me Bucky. Hang in there pal. Do it for me? It broke my heart to hear how bad you're coping. But trust me, I'll figure this out, I promise. I won't fail you this time Bucky.

I'm glad you at least have someone to talk to. Just keep yourself out of those fights, I want you to be safe. Remember all those times I used to get beat up? You always saved my ass, but, I never backed away from a fight. Remember back,when I asked if you'd follow Captain America into the jaws of death and you said "Hell, no. That little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb not to run away from a fight, I'm following him." I still kept that with me when I woke up in this modern world. You were my best friend Buck. You still are. And I'll help you when you're free. Promise. When did I ever break a promise?

Also, I didn't laugh when you said you had tears in your eyes. I would have too if I was in your situation. I'm glad the dog tags made you feel better, that's what I intended. Stop blaming yourself for what happened. That wasn't you. Well all know it Bucky. We're all slowly starting to settle down from that, everything is going to be okay. You just gotta' hold on a little longer Bucky. It could be weeks or months but I'll work as quick as I can, I'll round up some help too. Every bit of spare time, I will devote to you pal.

I promise you that.

Stay strong, be the strong Bucky Barnes I knew seventy years ago. You are not a monster. The Winter Soldier was a monster. Bucky Barnes was far from it, and it know you'll remember this. You'll remember all the good that you did.

Bucky...you're perfect, you always were. Whatever anybody else said, that's not how I saw you.

Still missing you.



P.S. Don't get caught with your new gifts, they'll keep you going for a while.

Bucky kept reading over the 'you're perfect' and 'you always were', his heart starting to hammer in his chest. He put the letter down and ran his hand down his face, sighing deeply. Tony was too busy being engrossed in his arm to see the brunette responding to reading the letter. He twisted a joint inside the arm, Bucky's metal hand suddenly clamping around Tony's wrist tightly. Bucky's eyes widened as he stared at Tony, who had an equally as shocked look on his face.

"I'm so sorry, it does that sometimes. I had it jammed like that once for an hour before one of the scientists at the bank vault could fix it," he confessed.

"It's fine, it's not hurting me. Relax," Tony soothed.

"Why are you helping me?" Bucky queried.

"Because Steve needs you. And the only way to do that is to make sure you're in tip top shape when you're ready to leave," the brunette responded.

"If I ever get out of here," Bucky scoffed.

"You will, I'll try my hardest, I'll help Steve," Tony hummed.

He was telling the truth, and Bucky could see it in his eyes.

"I believe you," he mumbled.

Tony smiled softly, turning his attention back to the arm as he fixed the joint, feeling the pressure relax on his wrist. He sat back and reached into his jacket, pulling out an iPod and a small tablet. Bucky eyed them curiously, leaning forward slightly.

"iPod for music, Steve put a bunch of songs on there for you. Tablet has books, some games. I'd say keep them safe but I told the wardens if they take them away from you there will be trouble," the brunette huffed.

Bucky let out a short laugh.

"I guess I should say thank you," he mused.

"I can quickly teach you how to use the tech. We've still got ten minutes," Tony offered.

"Sure," Bucky replied, a small smile following afterwards.

Yet even as he listened to Tony ramble on, he still couldn't get over what Steve had said in his letter. It stirred a feeling that had lingered deep inside Bucky for years.

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