Dirty Rotten Scoundrels - Part 2

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"Hello Astoria," he answered, "it's good to see you." He meant it. As she replied with her warm welcoming smile Draco once again appreciated things that did not change. He had been such an ass. The fact that she would greet him with such kindness was heartening.

"Me too, Draco," she answered. "I wasn't so sure you'd be happy to see me now that I'm consorting with the enemy though," she teased.

"Potter?" he asked amusedly. "I surrendered that battle long ago. I may be be a bit full of myself but even I know when I've been beat."

"It only took you six years of losing to Harry but I'm glad to see you got there eventually," she replied with a smirk.

"I deserved that," he replied. "As much as it hurts to admit it I've missed your brutal honesty, Astoria."

Why he had preferred the blatant sycophancy and cruelty of Pansy Parkinson over Astoria's genuine offer of friendship he would never know. He would not make the same mistake again.

"Well I always knew you had it in you," she answered affectionately.

"Would you like to get some coffee?" he asked. "I just need to pay for these but I'm free the rest of the afternoon. It would be nice to catch up."

"Two books about muggles, Draco? If I didn't know better I'd think you really had learned your lesson."

"I have," he answered sincerely. "Potter, Granger, and your sister taught me that I don't have all the answers and thinking I do is a fool's journey. As you said it only took six years but it finally sunk in. Having father thrown in jail and getting expelled drove the point home as well," he joked.

Astoria's relieved smile warmed him. Sincere remorse and humility in small bursts definitely went a long way. It was good to know she still believed in him.

Astoria looked at her watch and replied. "I only have an hour but I would like that, Draco."

The hour passed quickly as Draco recounted his Durmstrang experience and Astoria briefly shared what it was like to be part of the Potter orbit for the last few years. He could tell she had left many things out but it was clear to Draco he had badly miscalculated which side he had chosen as the Greengrass family was thriving. He knew that already but having Astoria cheerfully confirm it was slightly depressing. Thankfully based on how easy their conversation had been all hope was not lost.

All too soon the hour passed and Draco was profoundly disappointed when Astoria looked at her watch and stood to leave. "I have to go but it was good seeing you again, Draco." As she began walking away Draco resolved to not waste his second chance.

"I'd love to see you again Astoria," he stated smoothly. "Could we continue catching up over dinner sometime soon?"

To Draco's surprise he was greeted with a new expression from Astoria. Was she uncomfortable?

"I'm sorry Draco but I have a boyfriend. A serious boyfriend. I don't think that would be appropriate," she offered with a friendly smile before turning to leave.

She hadn't said fiance so all hope was not lost. "Who is the lucky wizard?" he asked in his best nonchalant voice.

"Neville Longbottom."

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