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*You were a little kid,Your mom always used to tell you to never go into a certain forest near the town you lived in.You never did question her,You just listened,For what seemed like a short time.*

*As you walked outside,You saw messy bushes that were in front of the forest your mom was talking about.She wasn't there to tell you off,But you never really had a reason to not go into there.It looked a bit dark,But soon you took a deep breath and had a more confident face as you walked into the forest.You could only hope it was safe.*

*You walked through the forest,The large and long trees having cracks of sunlight shine through them that lit up the forest.You even saw a few flicky's,They were flying near trees and chirping and playing.It made the forest seem more friendly,Or at least to you until you heard a scream.*

*It shocked you but soon,You were following where it came from.Running through the forest as your tail swayed behind you as you ran,Soon coming to a stop when you saw a yellow and white fox with two tails.Red and white shoes with white gloves,Having bangs,And his eyes were blue.He was getting bullied by some other foxes that had brown and white fur.*

*It seemed risky to stop them as you never had but you had to help the poor fox,You ran up to them.Standing in front of the two tailed fox.*

"Hey,Stop bullying him!"

*The foxes stop their laughing and look at you,You tried your best to look intimidating but it probably came out as just funny looking or trying to be.They stood there still.*

"I can't believe someone is standing up for a two tailed freak."

"Let's just leave."

*They both say before walking off,A groan audible.You turned to the two tailed fox who seem less scared but more confused and innocent.His two tails wrapped around his legs slightly as he looked at you.*

"Why would you help me? I am just a two tailed freak anyway.."

*He looked at the ground in sadness,He probably believed what the bullies and possibly others said about him being a freak.You put a hand on his shoulder,In a friendly way with a small soft smile.*

"I don't think your two tails make you a freak,I think it makes you awesome and..unique!"

*The two tailed fox looked up at you once again,He seemed to be smiling.But it also seemed he had a small tear in his eye.His tails unwrap themselves from his legs and sit behind him.It felt nice to make someone else happy as well but now you had to leave the forest.*

"..Lets go now,I'll walk with you."

*The two tailed fox nodded and soon,You grabbed his hand and started walking off with him.But you just had to ask him his name after all,You had helped him.*

"Hey,What's your name?"

*He was currently looking at the ground and Flicky's before putting his attention back on you.*

"I'm Miles,But,I think Tails would suit me.Don't you think?"

*He looked up at you,Obviously wanting you to say yes.You nodded before speaking again.*

"I'm Y/N."

*He smiled again,Being fateful of you.His smile was bigger and more noticeable,His tail swaying behind him with yours as you both soon made it back to the town.You let go of his hand when you both made it there.He ran off before saying,*

"I hope to see you more!"

*From afar,You nodded before looking back and running back up to your house and running inside only to see your mom reading peacefully until she noticed you.*

"Where have you been?"

*You had to think of an excuse,Now.*

"Oh...I,I was playing with flicky's..!"

*You probably didn't sound believable but knowing your mom,An easy going and kind mobian,Shrugged it off.You ran into your room in a few moments and let out a sigh of relief and could only think of Miles,Or Tails.*

*His smile and bright blue eyes,Even his unique two tails.Even helping him,It made you happy and smile as you laid in your bed.Resting from all you had done,Your tail over your legs and waist.*


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