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The food is long gone and the letter was read. Silence has long since fallen over them. Finally Jessa breaks the silence. "Dhiren, you are exhausted, you should get some sleep."

Dhiren looks at Jessa shocked. "Are you kicking me out?"

Jessa looks over to Dhiren and gives him a small smile, it's as much as she can give him. "Yeah, I need some time alone. If you insist on guards for me please place them outside."

It's all Dhiren can do to keep his jaw from falling open. He never thought that Jessa would kick him out. But then again after what that letter said he's not too shocked at it. 

Before Dhiren can get up and follow her request Kallen comes in. "General, she would like to be alone now."

"Thank you, Prince, but I just want to check in with her, then I'll leave her. I've already set protection wards around the tent as well as some of her guards. The others are resting. I believe Alaric has also set wards around the tent and the encampment."

"Thank you, General. Don't take too long she still needs to rest." Dhiren tells him then gives Jessa a kiss before leaving the tent.

Kallen comes over to Jessa and looks her over before taking the seat that Dhiren had recently vacated. "Okay, two things, how are you feeling Short stuff?"

"I've never felt so worn out before. Not even after the first work outs you gave me. Other than that, I feel alright I guess."

"Uhhuh, then the second thing, what's wrong? I don't think we could have pried your husband away from your side with out a pry bar and some serious help."

"I, well we, read the letter that Alaric sent with  the guards. You need to get the people together and get them ready to march. We need to get back to Silva as soon as possible."

"What's going on?"

"Alaric doesn't think all the full blooded dragons were here. He's found traces of them flying around Silva."

"So that's why he's been talking to the dragons out there." Kallen says thoughtfully.

Suddenly there's a great trumpeting and thunder as several dozens of full blooded dragons take off. It takes some time for the dragons to all get airborne. There are awe-inspired whisperings that make their way into the tent. "I would have liked to have seen that." Kallen says out loud without meaning to.

"Where's Mel?" Jessa asks suddenly.

"I'm not sure, if you would like I'll try to find him for you." Kallen says tiredly. He's not looking forward to a forced march back to Silva.

"If you would please?" Jessa says then closes her eyes once more.

"Jessa, I sent the gold dragons back to Silva, the other queens and kings have done the same. They will protect Silva with their lives. The younglings you rescued have requested to travel with you but will help protect Silva as well if that is what you would like?" Alaric says coming into the tent.

"Alaric, why are you asking me? You are the gold king and you have far more battle experience than I do."

"Because, Jessa, it is you that has united the dragons, people and elves, both moon and sun, they are all willing to take and listen to your orders and requests when they wouldn't mine." Alaric keeps the amusement he feels at this from his voice. It has long been the dream of the ancient one to unite the dragons under him. He could never do it, but Jessa is well on her way to accomplishing this impossible task.

"How much longer will I be down from the exhaustion?" Jessa demands of her grandfather.

"That will depend a great deal on your body and just how much you over taxed it yesterday. I don't dare give you any restoratives since they will only mask the exhaustion. You could literally feel good but die of exhaustion. Sleep, rest and eat. You are full dragon now so I think you should be ready to go by tomorrow."

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