A Journey to the Past

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Topazine and Ms. Chalice soon arrived 1,000 years in the past with the two girls looking like ghosts due to their transparent bodies. Ms. Chalice noticed that the ancient ruins looked a lot cleaner and brighter compared to how they were in the present. "So this is how it looked back then Topazine?" Ms. Chalice asked in awe. "Yes it was," said Topazine. "It's so beautiful," Ms. Chalice said in awe before getting spooked by younger versions of Aquamarina and Topazine ran right through her body. "Is this normal for people who travel to the past?" she asked Topazine while shaking like a leaf. "It depends on the person who journeys into the past to do it," Topazine said with a smirk as she watched her younger self along with Aquamarina playing in the fountain together by splashing each other. "My goodness, it seems like the young ladies are having fun in the water," a voice said with a chuckle. The younger gem girls along with Topazine and Ms. Chalice looked to see someone standing in front of them. The person was a tall woman with a golden chalice for a head. She was wearing a cream toga, brown sandals, golden bracelets on both of her wrists and a golden belt which held the Scepter of Light in a holster. This was the Legendary Chalice. Ms. Chalice watched as her former incarnation walked past her in awe. "So that's me when I was the Legendary Chalice?" she asked the topaz beside her. "Yes, that was you Ms. Chalice," Topazine said. "Wow, I can't believe that was me," she says in shock.

They watched as the Legendary Chalice walked up to the past versions of Aquamarina and Topazine before stopping in front of them. "Legendary Chalice, it's an honor to see you again," the young topaz said with a bow. The guardian of light chuckled at her words. "There's no need to be formal with me Topazine, you can just call me Chalice." she told the topaz girl. Aquamarina chuckled at her friend for a few seconds. "You do this every time she comes over to us Topaz," she said with a chuckle. "I do not!" the topaz girl exclaimed in embarrassment. The Legendary Chalice chuckled a bit before sitting between the two girls. "You always do it Topazine and yet I don't mind it because we're friends." she told the topaz while rubbing her head gently. The three of them looked at the ancient city around them with smiles on their faces. "I hope you stay with us Chalice, I mean I know you're not immortal like us, but we want you to stay with us," the past Aquamarina told her. "Don't worry girls, I'm not going anywhere," the chalice told them with a smirk.

As Ms. Chalice and Topazine looked at the events unfolding in front of them, the young chalice smiled a bit. "I'm starting to remember more things as I look at my past, including my friendship with you Topazine," Ms. Chalice told the topaz girl with a smile. "I'm glad you're starting to remember this," Topazine said to her. "I'm glad I am too," she said with a smile.

The girls then watched as the trio of the past looked to see a boy with a ruby for a head running towards them before tripping on the ground. The Legendary Chalice stood up and walked over to him and upon a closer look, she sees several chips in his gem. "What happened to you?" she asked him gently. "I fell," said a ruby headed boy named Ruben. "That might be true, but you looked like you were scared by something," she told Ruben while helping him onto his feet. "Oh, right. I came to tell you that Delilah is causing chaos in the ruins!" Ruben said. "Dee-Dee's here again?" she said while rolling her eyes with a playful smirk. She then turned to Topazine and Aquamarina who were now walking up to her. "I'm sorry girls, but duty calls and I need to stop Delilah again," she told them before turning to Ruben with a determined look in her eyes. "Show me where Delilah is," she told him in a serious voice. "Follow me," Ruben said as he led the Legendary Chalice to the source of a dark disaster.

As Ruben and the Legendary Chalice left the scene, Ms. Chalice and Topazine watched from a distance before following them in secret. "That's right, I called Delilah Dee-Dee because she hated it so much," the young chalice said with a chuckle. "Yeah, she hates it when she's called Dee-Dee," said Topazine with a chuckle. "I know and that's why I loved to do that, it makes me smile just to get a reaction out of her," Ms. Chalice told her. "And by the way, the ruby headed boy you were following is Ruben, the guardian of fire," Topazine said. "Oh, good to know," said Ms. Chalice.

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