Kaiba felt the corner of his mouth twitch, averting his eyes to the side as his body slowly slumps as if being scolded by his parents, “N… No? “

Atem snorts and pinches the bride of his nose in disappointment, before motioning at everyone to exit so he and Kaiba can be all alone, “We’ll need some privacy, Mahad. “

“Are you su-” Mahad pauses himself when he sees Atem’s facial expression become more subtly annoyed, before nodding and giving a small bow, “As you wish. “

Mahad commences his exit, guards trailing behind the priest obediently. Seto watches, their seemingly graceful walk passing by him every time. The final few guards then pulled the doors towards themselves, closing and indefinitely trapping Kaiba inside the building with his rival. He lets out a small hiss, staring at the doors before hesitantly looking back at Atem.

“Alright, Kaiba, what were we talking about again? Yes, almost ruining the world, as punishment, no duels for you. “ Atem continues to scold, sitting at his throne’s armrest as he looks off to the side, thinking about something as he strokes his chin. Kaiba quite literally wanted to growl at him and maybe shout in anger, but he just can’t help but act lowly before the higher man. 

‘Shorter, but higher. Heh. ‘ Kaiba smugly thinks, giving a slight nod to himself.

“What was that? “ Atem suddenly asks, making Kaiba flinch before groaning to himself. Can Atem hear his thoughts in the afterlife? Nah, no, nope, he’ll just have to deflect. Clearing his throat, he looks by the side, “...nothing. “

Atems eye twitches, putting on a grin, “Well then, Kaiba, why don’t you come up here then, hm? “ Patting the armrest he seats on.

Kaiba huffs, glaring at Atem then at the stairs, crossing his arms as he takes a single step back, “No thanks, I don’t do well with Egyptian stairs. “

The Pharaoh frowns, fixing his blonde bangs, “Kaiba, it’s six steps at most, I don’t think it’s too hard. “

“Oh yeah, and then what? - Why should I, even? “ Kaiba challenges, the glare battle continuing on between them.

“Oh for Ra’s sake, Kaiba! Just come here already, you know you want to. “ The commanding voice of Atem made Kaiba flinch once again, the CEO’s anger towards Atem’s refusal of dueling slowly steering itself towards himself. Kaiba isn’t usually a twitchy, flinching guy and he doesn’t know why he’s flinched twice now! Muttering as he makes his way to the throne, he starts thinking about whether or not Atem is using his powers in a weird way to make Kaiba Seto more… Submissive and fearful of his presence. Cheater.

Atem sighs, crossing his arms in a lax way, “Mmm, Kaiba, I haven’t done anything to you, stop blaming your Pharaoh for your problems, “ he teases, a smirk replacing the frown he wore. Kaiba’s index finger twitches as he snarls, “Stop reading my thoughts! “

“I can’t help it! A chance to look into your head, the quirky Kaiba - which by the way, you think way too fast, I advise you to calm down a bit. I can barely keep up. “ Atems smirk widen, amused with Kaiba now trying to think of things like paper and pens instead of thoughts he actually wants to think.

Atem then gets down, landing on the floor before approaching Kaiba, distracted from trying to think very hard about mundane things. Now, with the taller man being a bit vulnerable from any attack, Atem grabs the collar of the white coat and shoves Seto into the throne, getting a loud sound of pain followed by a groan. It took Kaiba a few seconds to calculate the action that was done and tried to fix himself into a sitting position, getting ready to scream Atem’s ear off as if he were a KaibaCorp. employee. That plan all dissolved when Atem leans down, grabbing at the outer edges of the armrests to support himself, slightly trapping Kaiba. Kaiba doesn’t know what got over him when his face started to feel hot as Atem looked into his eyes once again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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