chapter 6: the first meeting

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Axelle was intimidated. Despite him being the crown prince and also being older than ailith by 5 years he felt a shudder when he met ailith's eyes.
But just as he blinked she was back to her indifferent cold self as she was to others.
This made axelle wonder whether it was his imagination.
"greetings to the first star of the empire, his highness the crown prince" ailith curtsyed properly before replying to his original question
"the food here at the palace banquet is incomparably appetizing. I am grateful for the royal chef to personally oversee the food for my debut banquet and the royal family to bless me to conduct the banquet and bless me with their blessings"
Axelle couldn't read her emotions at all. She was behaving like she was walking on someone's orders yet not at the same time.
"then what would you like to eat first? We can eat in each other's company" axelle motioned for a nearby waiter and told him about the food he wanted to eat.
Ailith glanced at the waiter who was waiting for her order and then at axelle who finally saw a reaction from her. But, it wasn't the one he had expected.
[i thought she would either blush or get flustered but she was smiling]
Yes, smiling but axelle could feel the air changing around them axelle understood that she was angry.
"i thank your highness for the offer but this lowly one isnt worthy of eating with his highness the crown prince himself"
Axelle was stunned but then laughed amused. It was the first time he was rejected directly by a lady and that too in front of the whole nobility!
He could hear the murmur from the nobles but he wasn't offended. Instead, he was amused.
"i have heard talks about us being engaged. And you are intriguing milady, only you are worthy of sharing a meal with me" axelle hinted that he liked ailith while also reminding her of the rumors going around about the two of them.
But once again she didn't give the reaction he was expecting.
Instead she narrowed her eyes while maintaining her smile
"those are just rumors, not worth contemplating about. I didnt expect his highness to pay them such attention"
Axelle was surprised again. She once again rejected him and this time more directly.
"as for eating, it isnt appropriate for an unmarried male and female to eat together as such. I am sure his highness remembers that curtsy"
Axelle is now called forgetful and unmannered. This amused him further.
The butler at the side was trying not to make any sound while witnessing a frightening scene.
The crown prince was known to be difficult to please. He was just a waiter who wanted this job to feed his family but who knew that the crown prince would get rejected by the lady who was known to become the crown princess? Was he even supposed to hear this conversation from this proximity to the two parties involved?
"i remember the curtsy well milady, but i wasn't suggesting we eat from the same plate, unless you wanted to ofcourse" axelle grinned at ailith who finally had her smile waver.
She stared at him for awhile before giving the name of the dishes she wanted to eat to the waiter. Defeated.
[i win] axelle felt as if he had won a whole world as ailith finally accepted that she couldn't defeat him.
Now the two were alone, after one look from axelle the nearby nobles also excused themselves giving them the privacy they wanted.
"milady dont you think the food you ordered is too much for a lady? Would you want help with finishing it?" axelle teased amused as they took seat nearby waiting for their food to be served.
Axelle was right though, normally ladies would rather starve themselves to maintain their figures and body shape. But ailith ordered almost the same amount of food he ate when he was her age.
"i believe that we need to have energy to stay alive, and that energy comes from the food. I couldn't faint from hunger when i am being assassinated can i?" ailith smiled but hearing her axelle turned serious.
It was common knowledge that ailith was often tried to be assasinated. She even lost her mother in one such incident.
"and i am not out of shape even after eating enough to fill my stomach, so why should i starve myself unnecessarily?" ailith sensed his serious expression and continued to lighten the mood. She even scolded him that she wasn't fat and he shouldn't speak that sentence to a lady. It was considered as an offensive statement if a normal lady heard it.
"you are different" axelle spoke seriously
"you are strong and well mannered, you know how to deal with nobles, you know how to fight me a prince without disrespecting me."
Ailith narrowed her eyes at his serious tone, but didnt comment allowing him to continue
"most of people have already accepted you as the unofficial crown princess, and even his majesty and her majesty have accepted you as one."
"say lady ailith will you marry me?"
Ailith stared at him, meeting his eyes unafraid.
The instant rejection didn't hurt as much as the coldness the word had. All the curtsy, the manners and even slightest hint of warmth was gone. The single word was so cold that it made him sit straight. The shiver he felt was back and the gaze ailith was giving him made him feel vulnerable, alert.
"can i ask why?" axelle asked
Ailith did not reply, she merely glanced at him and then away towards the waiters who were approaching them with the food they ordered.
The food was served, the waiters excused themselves but both he and ailith didn't touch the food.
"i apologize for the rudeness earlier, i hope your highness can forgive th-" ailith spoke but axelle didnt let her finish.
"just speak of the reason lady ailith"
Ailith took a deep breath as axelle felt his heart racing, he was getting angry and irritated.
"i don't want to get married ever to anyone"

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