One Shot: Rango ki Rasleela

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One Shot: Rango ki Rasleela

As the sun began to rise over the horizon, the vibrant colours of Holi filled the air, and a young couple emerged from their home, dressed in traditional Indian attire.

Akshara wore a beautiful salwar kameez adorned with bright colours and intricate patterns, while Abhimanyu donned a simple white kurta-pyjama with a colourful bandana tied around his head.

As they walked through the streets, their eyes met, and they stole glances at each other, their hearts beating with anticipation for the festivities that awaited them. Akshara's eyes sparkled with excitement as she admired Abhimanyu's attire, while Abhimanyu couldn't take his eyes off of her, mesmerized by her beauty.

As they arrived at the community gathering, they were greeted by the sound of drums and the joyful laughter of children. The couple's hands intertwined as they began to dance, twirling and spinning in unison with the crowd.

The colours of Holi flew through the air, covering them from head to toe in a rainbow of hues. Akshara's cheeks were flushed with excitement as she smeared bright pink powder onto Abhimanyu's face and he retaliated by smudging green onto her nose.

Abhira found themselves completely immersed in the festive spirit as the festivities continued. They danced, sang, and laughed with each other, surrounded by the colourful chaos of the celebration.

The effects of bhang had finally started to kick in, and they felt a little more daring than usual. Abhimanyu grabbed Akshara'shand, pulling her towards him as they swayed to the music, their bodies moving in perfect harmony.

Akshara couldn't help but giggle as Abhimanyu twirled her around, their colourful clothes flying around them. He leaned in, whispering in her ear, "I bet you can't keep up with me."

She smirked, feeling a playful, teasing energy flowing through her. "You're on."

Akshara's behaviour became more childlike as the day went on. She playfully tugged at Abhimanyu's kurta and danced around him, humming a silly tune.

Abhimanyu couldn't help but smile at his wife's-carefree behaviour and found himself even more captivated by her playful nature. He pulled her close and whispered in her ear, "You are beautiful and cute, my love," as he twirled her around.

Akshara's face lit up with joy, and she wrapped her arms around Abhimanyu, feeling the warmth of his embrace. She leaned in and planted a soft kiss, and the two of them melted into each other, lost in the moment.

They continued to dance, twirling and swaying, teasing and flirting with each other. The crowd around them seemed to disappear as they were lost in the moment, enjoying each other's company.

As the music continued to play, Abhira found themselves drawn to each other, their bodies moving closer and closer. They started to paint each other with colours, playfully smearing bright pinks, blues, and yellows on each other's faces and bodies.

As the colours blended, their playful teasing became more sensual. Akshara leaned in, her lips brushing against Abhimanyu's, and they both felt a spark of electricity pass between them.

In a secluded corner, away from the rest of the crowd, Abhira found a moment of privacy to enjoy Holi in each other's company. Their eyes met once again; this time, the glances were not stolen but lingered, filled with desire.

Abhira lay in the grass, surrounded by the vibrant colour of the festival, lost in their own world. Their intimate moment was reminiscent of the Ras Leela, as Lord Krishna celebrated during the Holi festival. They continued to paint each other with colours, each stroke more sensual than the last. Lost in the moment, a boundless passion flowed between them.

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