New Beginnings 《Day 0》

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I can't believe it.

My rolling suitcase skidded behind me as I glanced up at my soon-to-be old house. It's a bittersweet but refreshing feeling to realize that I'm going to be miles and miles away from my hometown to carry out my dream of being a translator. Tears pricking at the corners of my eyes, I wipe my face and rush over to my dad's car, eagerly placing my 3rd suitcase into the car and hurrying into the backseat.

"Well, look whos pumped to fly for hours!" My dad teased, giving me a positive grin. I nodded quickly, hugging onto my mouse shaped pillow with a tight grip. "Ready as I'll ever be, pops!"

It was about a 30-minute drive to the airport, but it felt like it was days long. More realization hit that I was gonna be an outsider at a new house, in a new country, and in a new school. I huffed, constantly checking my phone: 5:32 A.M.

The sound of my music blaring through my earbuds seemed to soothe me as we pulled up to a parking space (which was so hard to find) and walked over to the glass-doored entrance with luggage in our grasp.

I hobbled over sleepily to the waiting area near the departing gate and began to silently doze off, my dad promising to wake me up 10 minutes before our flight is ready for passengers. I can't believe how time can pass because what felt like 10 seconds was actually 5 minutes.

"Y/N, it's time to go." I felt a nudge against my left shoulder as I begrudgingly opened my sleepy eyes. "Its already time?" I whined, unevenly getting up with the support of my Dad.

"'Fraid so, kiddo." He chuckled, guiding us through the gating and all the security. Luckily it was a smooth procedure and we made it to our seats about 7 minutes before departure. I had the middle seat between my dad and a pregnant mother. I looked down at my phone again, ready for something new.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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