Besides, being expelled isn't actually that bad. Not that she's been expelled. You'll just be on the receiving end of gossips and judgy glances everywhere you go.

Could be worse.


"Well, it was pretty expected, in my opinion. The government can't sustain over 30 million yen a month after all. How about you?" Just as Ayanokoji was about to answer Kushida waddled her way up to the edge of the pool.

"Hey, hey, Horikita-san!" Kushida bunny-hopped out the water and plopped herself next to the duo. "Wanna swim with us?" The fact that she didn't ask the struggling man next to her is just plain rude.

"Not the biggest fan of swimming pools myself. Though, thanks for offering." She didn't immediately answer, because then Kushida would be onto her even more.

"Don't worry, Horikita-san! Back in middle school, I was simply awful at swimming. But then I practiced really hard and now I can do it just fine." Unfortunately for Kushida, sob stories don't work on Suzune.

"That's cool." In her perusal vision, she saw the tiniest sadistic twitch in Kushida's right eye. She knew she was obsessed with attention but, yikes.

On the other side of the pool, the girls and boys were gathering around Harem boy.

"Everyone. I want you to focus and listen to me for a minute. We couldn't get any points today. This is a problem that's going to haunt us for the rest of our school lives. There's no way we can make it to graduation with 0 points." He gestured towards the students for emphasis.


He knows the tricks for audience engagement. No wonder he got popular quick.

Kei pumps her fists up in determination. "We can't let that happen!"

Harem boy softly smiled at her before continuing on. When did they start dating again? Like, a week ago? She remembers Kei texting her about it. "Of course, that's why we need to make sure we get some points next month- "

"Whatever your doing, suit yourselves." Sudo pushed Harem boy out his way before heading for the exit. "Just leave me out of it." Harem boy looks conflicted while Kushida, Ayanokoji and Suzune stare at the scene from a far.

She glanced up to the viewing box where a taller figure could be seen. Staring directly at her.


"Class D, huh..." Closing the shudders, Horikita Manabu turned around to face the first years in the room. "Sakayanagi of class 1-A..."

A petite female with short violet to sky blue hair sat on the sofa with her hands clutching onto her cane. She had a calm smile resting upon her face that matched to her pastel purple eyes.

"And Katsuragi." The man in question was a taller than average male whose baldness added to his bodyguard aesthetic. Gesturing his hands outwards, the student council president continued.

"Congratulations. Your class received 940 points this month. This is something to be proud of." He pushed up his glasses before staring back into the gazes of both students. "How much do you know about the S-system?"


"Doc! As your best friend, I have a favor to ask! Would you mind buying this off me for 20,000 points?"

"Actually, I spent to many points and now I'm totally broke. I thought that if I could just borrow a couple points from each girl in the class... we're friends, right?"

"Oh? Of course!"

Suzune and Ayanokoji sat in their respective desks while the commotions went on by.

CHANGED - Classroom of the EliteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora