* P I L O T *

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Her pen glides along the striped, thin paper, sketching her design with patterns shapes, or anything that looked nice and colorful

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Her pen glides along the striped, thin paper, sketching her design with patterns shapes, or anything that looked nice and colorful. Luca was thinking of the idea of calling her, so he did. Elonide jumps up and accidently messes up on the sketch. She picks up the phone, yelling. "luca.." she said sweetly at first. "yes?" he said matching her tone. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU-" she then continues to ramble on how he shouldn't have called since she was working on her sketch. Luca takes his hand and puts it over the speaker, hushing Elonide's loud rambles.

"now, what do you want luca?" she said annoyed. "Well," he says mysteriously. "I'm bored." then luca prepares himself and puts his hand on his speaker since elonide started to yell again. she then goes back to normal and asks "well, what do you wanna do?" she said smirking over the phone. The deal is elonide liked him really badly but doesn't know if he likes her back so it's a mix of love and hate. "I could come over?" he said. "yea." she smiled and ended the phone. she goes back to sketching but then 15 minutes later, she hears a knock on the door. "come in!" elonide blushes when she see the silhouette. she jumped up then hugged and kissed luca.


* P U R E I M A G I N A T I ON * - luca h.Where stories live. Discover now