Chase finally finds out

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Alex woke up on his side of the bed and sat up and stretched before he woke his girlfriend up " Lina baby we have to tell Chase" he said

Carolina sighed " he's going to race you hard though" she said sitting up and petting Finn and Roscoe

* They both leave his bus and go to Chase's bus*

Chase opened the door " hey y'all come on in" he said as Alex and Carolina walked in

" Daddy you might wanna sit" Carolina said

" Okay" Chase said sitting down

" Chase I've been dating your daughter" Alex said in a slight rush

" Alex listen, I respect you as a person and a teammate, but the minute you break Carolina's heart I'm sending you into the wall, teammates or not I'm sending your ass into the wall.

Carolina looks at Chase " don't you dare race him really hard tomorrow"

Chase looks at her " I ain't making no promises Carolina"

Alex smiled " see "

Carolina sits in his lap

Alex held her " baby are you okay?"

Carolina sighed " nervous"

Alex realized why " Shit we still need to tell Nascar and Mr. Hendrick

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