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chapter thirteen

╔═══════════════╗ MAKE ME PROUD chapter thirteen

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*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*

IT WAS LIKE time was running slow, her legs seemingly not running fast enough. Jack was hot on her heels, trying desperately to catch up.

She came to an abrupt stop, the nurses station in front of her. "Anthina Turner. I'm her daughter, Angelica Turner."

"Can I see a form of Identification, please?" Angie understood the nurse was doing her job but at a time like this, she wanted to come across the desk and demand to know where her mother was.

Her fists tightened as she reminded herself, it's her job. She reached into her back pocket, pulling out her drivers license.

"Thank you." The nurse, Nina, scanned it. A green light went off on the scanner and Nina happily slid it back to Angie. Typing a few things into the computer; "Anthina Turner was admitted into the ER an hour ago with a concussion and signs of a heart attack. From what the doctor gathered, the heart attack is what cause the fall."

Angie tried to calm herself but she could feel a panic attack coming on. Jack seemingly knew the signs, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Look at me. Angelica, look at me." He turned her towards him. She was trying to contain herself, her breath heavy.

"In and out. Breath with me," He mimicked the breathing he wanted her to follow.

She started to calm, her breathing mimicking Jack's.

"Her second emergency contact is in the waiting room. The doctor will be with you shortly." The nurse finished, gesturing in the direction of the room.

Jack nodded, leading Angie to it. There sat a dyed blonde, head in her hands and her leg bouncing as she took deep breaths.

"Toni." Angie said, her lip trembling as she ran to her sisters arms.

"Ange," She got up, wrapping her arms around her.

"She's gonna be just fine. She's Mommy." Angie sniffled into her sister's arms.

Toni took deep breaths, nodding as she pulled away from her sister. She noticed the tall white boy standing awkwardly beside Angie and her face scrunched up.

"Es el?" Toni questioned. She wanted to know if that was the infamous Jack Champion.

"Si. El me trajo aquí." Angie nodded, 'Yes. He brought me here.'

MAKE ME PROUD ━ 𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐎𝐍¹Where stories live. Discover now