MATT DREAM: Matt's Birthday 2020 with Emilia

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After which, Matt turned his head and kissed her forehead softly. At the same time, he looked down at Emilia and smiled as he kissed her forehead softly. "Hi princess, you comfortable here on daddy's chest?" Smiling as she heard Matt say that, Gabby laid her head down on his toned chest as they both cuddled up to each other in bed. At the same time, Matt turned his head and just smiled as he went ahead and kissed his beautiful wife's forehead. God, the way this woman makes him feel is something that truly is incredible. Looking down into Gabby's eyes, Matt smiled as he leaned in and proceeded to kiss her softly. "So, what do you want to do today baby?" Matt laughed when Gabby asked him what he wants to do. "I know what I would like to do but know full well that I can't." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, as she knows what that means; leaning in, Matt smirked as he kissed his wife softly. At least, he was going to go ahead and kiss his wife softly...until he was stopped from doing so by his mother. "I thought I heard you awake."

Turning his head when he heard his mom, Matt smiled. "How are you mom?" Nancy Mathies smiled when he asked her that. "Well, I am very happy to be here with you; because this means that I get to celebrate your birthday with you for the first time in a while." Matt smiled when he heard his mom say that, as that most definitely was something that he was happy about. Carrying a coffee over to her son, Nancy smiled. "Gabby, I hope that you're okay with him having coffee." Gabby smiled, agreeing with her mother-in-law when she asked her whether she was okay with Matt having some coffee on the morning of his birthday, which is something that she most certainly is okay with. I mean, that's something that she's always going to be okay with. That's when Nancy saw Matt's dog sitting at her feet. "Do you mind?" Matt smiled when his mom asked him if she can say good morning to Andy. "Go ahead mom." Bending down, Nancy smiled as she proceeded to put her hand on the top of his head; after which, she went ahead and rubbed his head.

"Hi boy, you help Matt last night?" Matt smiled when he heard his mom say that. "Yeah, he did." Getting up, Nancy smiled at him. "So, now that you're up...I'm here to ask you what you want for breakfast. So, what do you want for breakfast?" Matt smiled when his mom asked him what he wants for breakfast. "I would love some pancakes for breakfast." Nancy agreed with Matt when he said that, before turning to look at Gabby. "Do you want us to bring the boys upstairs when we bring up breakfast?" Gabby smiled when Nancy asked them whether she wants them to bring the boys upstairs while they bring breakfast upstairs, and that's definitely something that he would really enjoy; spending some time with his boys while he eats breakfast with his girls. "Thanks mom, I'd really appreciate that. But maybe give me thirty minutes to wake up? Get a bit of time with my little girl before we have the boys come up." Nancy agreed with her son when he said that before getting to close to him, which then led her to leaning over him and kissing his forehead softly.

"Happy birthday sweetie." Matt smiled when he heard his mom say that, before grabbing her hand. "Thanks mom." Nancy just smiled as she looked at her son, before turning her head and looking at Emilia. "Hi Emilia, how are you doing this morning?" Emilia then opened her eyes and looked at her grandma, but she was still quite tired. Turning to look at Gabby, Matt smiled. "How long has she been awake?" Gabby laughed as she heard Matt ask her how long Emilia's been wake. "Maybe 45 minutes to an hour. So, she's going to be due to go back into her crib soon." Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that, before proceeding to grab her hand; after which, he intertwined their fingers and smiled. After which, he turned his head and looked at his mom. "I swear, now if this isn't a really nice sight? The sight of you holding Emilia in bed." Matt agreed with his mom when she told him that, before smiling as she kissed his forehead again. After which, he smiled at Emilia; especially after she cuddled up to him the way she just did.

"So, here's some breakfast for you. But do you want me to get you the boys?" Gabby then turned to look at Matt. "Do you think that maybe we can have breakfast alone? I want to spend time with my birthday boy. And I want you to enjoy some time with Emilia." Matt smiled when he heard Gabby say that, before wrapping his arm around her and smiling as he leaned in and kissed the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. "I love you." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, smiling. "I love you too." Matt then turned to look at his mom, smiling at her. "After breakfast, can we get the boys?" Nancy agreed with Matt when he said that, just smiling at her son before proceeding to walk away so that she can go take care of her grandsons some more. At the same time, Matt looked down at Emilia and smiled as he kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back. "Hi baby girl." Emilia then proceeded to just cuddle up to her daddy on his birthday. "Are you happy that we have Emilia?" Turning his head, Matt smiled at his wife.

At the same time, Matt scratched the top of Andy's head to make sure that he stays calm while they relax together as a family right now; after all, that was exactly what Matt wanted to do right now. He wanted to relax with his family as they held each other close. Well, at least part of his family; the other part of his family is still in the living room right now, but they will be joining them soon. Matt then proceeded to grab his morning coffee, smiling as he went to take a sip. At the same time, Gabby looked at the beautiful man she loves more than anything in the entire world. "So, did you take some pain meds this morning?" Gabby laughed as she looked at Emilia. "Oh, I took some; especially since this baby girl here made sure that her birth would be very memorable, because that pain was not fun. I hope you know that was the reason I do not plan on getting pregnant again, not that I even can." Matt laughed, agreeing with Gabby when she said that, well aware that was the case; after all, he was there when she got her tubes tied after giving birth.

"You glad that you got your tubes tied?" Gabby agreed with Matt when he asked her whether she was glad that she got her tubes tied, which she most definitely is. "Much better than an IUD, and a lot more comfortable for now." Matt agreed with his wife when she said that, before watching as she proceeded to get close to the man she loves; wrapping her arms around his torso, Gabby smiled as she laid her head down on his chest and cuddled up to him. After which, Matt wrapped his arm around Gabby and proceeded to kiss her forehead softly. And let's just say that this truly was exactly what Matt wants to be doing today, on his birthday. His first birthday as a father. But never in a million years did he think that he'd be celebrating his first birthday as a father, as a father to three kids; born by his wife through two different pregnancies. But If he had to go back and change what happened over the past year, then this was not one of the things that he would change; and that's due to the fact that he's so glad that they have their baby girl, Emilia Marie Casey.

Oh, and Andy; he loves having an Andy in his life again, because he has had such a great impact on him. And he really has helped so much when it comes to his PTSD, because that was most definitely something that he needed; he needs help with his PTSD, and that's exactly what Andy does for him. He makes sure that he stays calm, and just stays relaxed as much as he can. And he's really happy that's the case, as he doesn't want to scare his kids with him having PTSD; especially not Emilia, as she is very comfortable in his arms right now. "So, this is it right? No kids, or just no kids with you giving birth?" Gabby shrugged when Matt asked her that. "How about first, we get through COVID?" Matt took a breath when he heard Gabby say that. "Are you worried about that?" Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, before proceeding to grab his hand; after which, he proceeded to intertwine their fingers. Turning his head, Matt proceeded to kiss Gabby's forehead softly as they held each other close. "I love you so much." Gabby agreed. "I love you too."

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