~The start~

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This all starts from a years ago where I meet the boy i today I love. It's not like he loves me back.. aha.. but anyway..

I grab my phone scrolling threw social apps coming across a few follower I haven't followed back, I press follow back and smile looking at my phone going onto a few of the new follower chat to say hello and waiting for a respons, I get a respons by someone, "hello" they said to me "hiii thanks for following me" I said back. I already felt happy and energetic to have more followers to text me to say after all when I'm home theirs nothing to do. "How are you?" They said. "I'm grate how about you" I said back to them. They didn't answer for a few moments so I just assumed their busy and text other followers the same thing. I got a bit cureouse and ended up stalking their profial page their videos liking them and commenting on sum. "I'm same, Wyd" they said to me. I looked at the text fastly to respond to them wi a rush of sudden excitement my body built for then so suddenly. "Oh uh I'm just sat in my bed room bored no one to talk to or nothing to do aha lol what about u?^^" I responded to the person wi surprise they responded back quickly. "Oh I'm just doing the same I just had my dinner and now I'm just playing on my guitar" he responded to me. For a sudden second I felt a little intrested in this perosn and I started to form a longer conversation with them telling them about myself and texting them constantly. "Hey I'm sorry but I gotta go to bed now, I hope we can chat tomorrow" he said to me. I stop typing and remove my text and I smile feleing fuzzy. "Ovs ! I'd love to text u agen and get some good rest" I said but for some reason I wanted to stay up and text them even thought I didn't know who they was all I new was their polite and kind. And they love music !.. I felt kinda jelouse wi how they are this perosn seemed amazing to say I didn't know what sex or what they look like at that moment I didn't care for it at all.

Skip to the next morning

I woke up up excited and happy to text this perosn I met last night waiting for my phone in my dads room i sneek in grabbing it to see they had text me twice making my heart race fastly opening my phone to my social app waiting for it to upload thinking what what I could say to this person. "Morning*, "hello? are you awake I've been waiting* they said to me.
"Hi sorry I was asleep and my dad had my phone and how are u?" I said to them. "Hello, and finally I was starting to miss u" they said. "That's good~ hehe" I said wi my heart racing wi a smile on my face. "Oh sorry I must go I have to eat dinner" they said. "It's 11am ?" I said. "Oh uh I must not love where you do" they said. "🥲 sad" I said. "I must go brb" they said. I sat their sulking looking around my room bored thinking about this perosn wanting to tree cut them for hours on end but then I got called away not wanting to miss any of this perosn text. "Hey sorry I gtg out for a while".. and they was eating so they didn't respond leaving me to do my own personal things.

I'm maybe rushing this storie but I gotta say- writing down a year ago to now it'll take me a year to finish it !!! So let say this..

It's been about 3 months now me and this person well.. this guy me and him have gotten into friendzone now as it's sorta starting to get flirty a little.. "hey cutie~ ^^* he says to me. "Hey hottt stuff" I say back smiling with a light fuzzy feeling, he makes my heart race sometimes and I'm still excited to text him. A few days go by with me and him slowly difting apart for about two weeks when I next meet someone els and she and I weren't like me and this boy but she was their when he wasn't...
"Hey princess sorry I've been offline I've been busy with school and such things", reading that text he sent me made my heart race and my fingers type wi pleasure. "Aha it's ok darling! I've been fine just worried u left me", I was so excited to see he's back online and all I felt was overwhelming things, "no! U would never leave u", resding that text I knew it was romantic feelings this boy made me feel for him... me and him started talking agen but we shered a nother social. "Hey it's me chase!" He said. "Hi it's me izumi!". Me and him chatted a lot on this new social sending pictures of our space around us till one night I sent him a picture of me smiling wi my thumbs up. "Princess you are so pretty~" he said. I felt embarrassed and fkusterd scared that I sent it to him but then I text him wi "nah, how about u what u look like daddy~", "😏 I can show u", he said making me feel fuzzy with him sending a photo of him wi his hand over his mouth wi lazy eyes. It felt like he was glaring at me threw the phone it gave me 🦋... "hey it seems random u said that but like we both been busy", to make this seem more sens .. he didn't text me for 3 hours after dinner time -.- then said that to me wich confused the fuck out of me. "Oh yeh sorry princess", he said. "Hah ur dopey love", I said. "Uhm Izumi ur dopey" he said. Me and him whent back wi insulting flirts untill we kissed in a fake roleplay disruption as us.. 😳... "Heh~ my princess shut up so suddenly ~", he said. "You have a p-partner!! You flirt", I said. "Mhm~ sad~ I love seeing u like this" he said.. I felt jelouse and annoyed wich made me change my mood going offline.. and after that I just lied and became toxic unsure if I should risk texting a wrong message and destroying mine and his relationship..

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