"Stay alive" Liam commanded.

"Yes sir!" Niall did a little salute "same goes for you two now go!" He yelled.

We descended the stairs and soon we heard fighting. We hurried through the corridors, me following Liam. He stopped me "Harry, the stairs are over there but they'll see us when we go so I'll do the same as Niall and hold them off. You'll run down the stairs; carefully, and go to the corridor on the right, then left, and then the door on the right. Got it?" I nod "good now let's go!" He shouts and I rub down the stairs.

I pause for a second to see Liam is fighting. Please be okay Louis.

**Louis' POV**

Luke was standing across the room just watching. I knew he wanted to help because he had an expression that said it all. Of course he couldn't because Dr. Bellagio had his friend.

"Now, I'm going to just slowly stab you not too deep of course because there are about 14 hours of torture left" he grinned. He pulled out a small dagger and began stabbing me in different places. Not deep enough to kill me but deep enough to hurt me.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" I yelled and vegan to squirm around trying to get away.

"Keep making those lovely sounds" he laughed.

"ARGH" I tried to breathe but it was hard to concentrate. The pain was too much. He stopped and I relaxed.

"Now here's a little machine called 'The Choker' and I think you'll enjoy it- at least I will" he put something around my neck and turned it on.

The machine began choking me. I was helpless to stop it. "awk" was the only sound coming out. It stopped and in those few moments I could breathe. Not long after it began choking e again and he began stabbing me again.

Blood began to pour out of my mouth. "Oh dear... did I stab to far? Oh well" he shrugged "guess I'll have to kill you now" he turned the machine off and I began coughing. The door burst open and Harry stood there. I began crying.

**Harry's POV**

I ran inside after avoiding a lot of his guards. I opened the door and saw Louis, coughing, with blood dripping out of his mouth, his clothes were covered in blood, and he was crying.

**Louis' POV**

"H-Harry!" Managed to scream. It seemed to snap him out of his thoughts because he ran to me, pushing Dr. Bellagio away.

He untied me and carried me. "Louis, I'm sorry I should've protected you."

I had to tell him it was okay. "It-" I was cut off by him handing me my ring. I began crying again and held the ring tightly near my heart.

"How adorable" Dr. Bellagio began laughing. He held a gun in his hand and Harry hid employees behind him. "Two lovers meeting again... so tell me Prince Harold how's common life treating you?" He smirked.

"What?" Harry seemed confused and so was I.

"I knew it from the second I saw you but your memory seems to have been forgotten huh?" He let out a delighted laugh.

"What are you talking about?!" Harry yelled. I began to understand. My Harry and this Harry were never two different people. They had been the same.

Harry lost his memories of me, that's why he never came back for me. He didn't die, he was safe. "Come on Harry remember" he smiled in a evil way.

Harry held his head in pain "I- I remember..." he paused and looked at me then back at him "YOU KILLED MY FAMILY!" He yelled in anger.

"Guiiiilty!" He grinned "and now I'm going to turn your chip on... it might've not been fried after all" he pulled out a controller out from a small desk "funny how this was the only thing I kept fron before. Shall we test it?"

Protecting The Prince {Larry Stylinson AU}Where stories live. Discover now