Chapter 1

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How do you know when you've met your other half, it could be platonically, it could be romantically but in the end, both will click for the same purpose or feeling to fulfill each other's emptiness that lingered before meeting the other. Almost like finding a second pair of socks that you lost a week before. Or finding the other half of that friendship bracelet or necklace you had. 

In the Chinese Shang dynasty, they noticed the world had a balance that they called Yin and Yang. This is the same in almost every culture in a way they will always explain balance similarly.

Yin is a symbol of earth, femaleness, darkness, passivity, and absorption. It is present in even numbers, in valleys and streams, and is represented by the tiger, the color orange, and a broken line. 

While Yang represents light, masculinity, activity, and the heavensThis alone is meant to make stability in the world, no matter if the gender is the same or the opposite. Their souls will always represent one side of the coin. They will be two sides of the same coin or two pieces that connect like a cracked cookie or shattered glass.

As cheesy and cliche, as this may be it will always be true, or at the very least for them...

A love story of two certain mythological creatures. It will be a slow burn and I know there will be sexual tension but I don't think I will add none. Okay maybe, I know I will just have one chapter but I think that will be it. Enjoy a cliche, drama filled, not that detailed, and extra spice of sexual tension and panics that will slowly fulfill what you and I love in a bl.

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