Capital fights

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„Já bych měl být hlavní město!” [I should be the capital!] Brno yelled, pissed off at Prague, also know as Praha or Prag.

„Žádný takový! Já jsem a vždy budu hlavní město!” [No way! I am and always will be the capital!] Prague yelled back at him.

These two fought like this almost everyday. Practically, any time they interacted. One capital and the other one that wants to be capital and feels like they deserve to be so.

It was no surprise it annoyed the other cities. Even though, some of them thought it was hilarious and sometimes ‘spiced up’ the argument.

Not that it wasn't... Some arguments indeed were funny but some managed to end terribly. Like that one time...

„To jim to ještě nestačí?” [Don't they have enough already?] Pilsen/Plzeň asked with an annoyed tone.

„Asi ne” [I guess not] Ústí said quietly while taking out a cigarette. „Tak či tak, já se vsadím, že Praha to vzdá první” [Either way, I bet that Prague will give up first] Most added to the conversation.

„Proč?” [Why?]  Karlovy Vary asked confused.
„Vždy si stěžuje jak má moc práce, pravděpodobně po chvíli odejde takže to vzdá” [He always complains how much work he has, he will probably leave so he will give up] Most retorted.

„Nebo je někdo zastaví” [Or someone will stop them] Ostrava entered the conversation. „Jako kdo? [Like who?] Ústí asked confused.

„Ti dva” [Those two] Pilsen pointed at the two cities taking Prague and Brno away from each other.

„To už by stačilo kluci..” [That's enough guys] České Budějovice said taking Prague away.

„Má pravdu, už by toho bylo dost” [He's right, this is enough] Tábor agreed while taking Brno.

„Sbohem pane hlavní město” [Bye mister Capital] Brno said mockingly while Prague and Tábor were glaring at him.

„Nashledanou pane Němče” [Goodbye Mr. German] Prague shot back at him.
„Ale tak!” [Oh come on!]
„Řekli jsme že stačí!” [We said it's enough!] Tábor and České Budějovice yelled annoyed.

„Tohle je kurva směšný” [This is fucking hilarious] Ústí laughed to himself.

Word count: 348

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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