Part 19

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Love... let's go.. don't listen to him.

I want to know about you and him.. he said in a serious tone..
You don't have any plans to tell me about this.. he looked at Zee.. so I want to hear it from him... because if you wanted to do it.. you would have told me before this day came.
and he sat in front of Alex.
Now speak..!

Nong New...

Nu.. let's go.. the class will start soon.

You go first guys.. please excuse me to our teacher. Please tell them I have an important matter.
Phi.. thank you for being here.. can you stay with me? he looked at Nancy.

looked at Zee..before answering NuNew

sure Nong.. I also don't have any plans to leave you here on your own.

Thank you Phi.

I will stay too NuNew.
I will ask Yim and Tutor to go first..
and he run to his friends

don't understand his self.. where did he get that courage that he has right now?
he never done this in his entire life.. he shouted for the first time in front of the people.. where did his manners go? sure my parents would be disappointed if they heard him.

he actually sat down because his knees were starting to get jelly.. he couldn't stand that long...
Zee is holding him.. but he pulled his hands away.

he looked at Zee.. if you don't want to listen to what he is going to tell me.. then you may go.
he held Nancy's hand.. he also felt Nat's hand on his shoulder.

Love... I am sorry.. but you don't have to listen to him.. I am sorry if I did not tell you about him..
becau.... NuNew interrupt him

I just want to know from him..
Now Alex... what do you want me to know? I am ready to listen.
What do you want from us? Why are you suddenly bothering us?

I want him to get back to me..

That will never happen, Alex!!

You heard him? he said this while looking at Alex.

smirks.. why? your begging me then? your kneeling in front of me before.. to not leave you..

his chest tighten.. also his hands that Nancy's holding..

I felt his grip... he holds on to NuNew's firmly.

Zee is looking at Alex.... his chest is burning with anger at this man..
how did I love him before? he is an angel devil..
said to himself.

pull himself up with more courage and ask..
Why did you leave in the first place? then now you're telling him to get back to you?

felt sad..
I know it's my fault on this.. I leave him because I thought of my career back then.
I get an offer from the other country to study, leave, and work there..


he saw sadness in Alex's eyes..
so it's your fault... and then now you're bothering us.

I regretted my decision to leave him... I realize that I can't leave without him.
Babe...and look to Zee..
I know it's my fault for leaving you...but now I am here.. I came back for you.

It's too late Alex..
I don't love you anymore.. and as you can see, I already have someone in my life.

that short? I didn't believe you.. after all the years that we've spent together?
now you're telling me you love him? more than me? seriously?
I know that you are just doing this to punish me for leaving you.

looked to Zee with his teary eyes.

No you don't give me that look love..
you know how much I love you...
he walked closely to NuNew and held his hands... let's go home, Love I will tell you everything.

how can you say that he didn't love me?
that after all these years he still loves you?

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