chapter 3: relationship goals

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        Wednesday April 1 and me and Terrell have been together for only 2 days but tonight is the annual school dance and he wants me to go with him. of course I say yes in a happy girly voice. almost to girly where I think In my head why can't u just say yes in a normal voice. well anyway, I'm so happy about going so i had heard its a costume party and I'm going to be a mouse. with a strapless beautiful shorter purple and black dress with face paint made into a mouse nose and whiskers. along with mouse ears and tail. I throw it all on do my make up and tell my mom to drive me to the dance plz. she says well sense u said plz like all nosey but protective moms act. so she drives me then after about 10 mins we reach the school I give my mom a kiss on the cheek and say thank you for driving me, she says thank you and I'm on my way out of the car, to the dance.
      I finally get to the doors open them and walk in to pay for a ticket. once I pay ,I walk on To the dance floor.
I look around for Terrell but he's no where to be seen. so I walk around some more to see him, but he's definitely not anywhere in the room, so I start to think he stood me up, my heart feels broken like I was took advantage of. But a few minutes pass and I see him walk in I run to the door happy as a girl that sees her boyfriend is. he grabs me and says let's dance. 
       We walk out to the dance floor and slow dance for the whole dance it was great tell the guy announced on the intercom the dance will be over in 1 min everyone get ur stuff and make sure u have a ride home. so he grabs my hand And we walk outside.
      I say bye and begin to find my moms car but he runs up to me turns me around and kisses me I just close my eyes and enjoy the kiss.

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