"What!! No! It's not like I wanna be with you every moment!! That would be super weird am I right???" He laughs it off, there he is acting strange again? Am I just dumb and overthinking it? Eh doesn't matter I just wanna spend time with him right now

I turned on the movie and watched with sonic, it wasn't really all that scary not gonna lie and sonic didn't seem very frightened either "damn this movie isn't even scary, horror movies nowadays just don't get anything right!!!" He complains, I giggle at him

Then suddenly I see something in the corner of my eye in the room.. I look up and see what looks like a.. camera?? I don't remember putting any cameras in my house? "Why is there a Camera up there" I say as I usually say whatever comes to mind, then for some reason I see sonic panic "Umm don't worry about that darling just LOOK!!! Something's happening in the movie don't wanna miss it!!!"

He was acting super strange but why? I'm just confused on why there's a camera in my house? Maybe I placed it and forgot..? Hmmmm... maybe I'll go and ask tails about what's up with sonic later.

A little while later after the movie ended we did some mischievous stuff and then it was time for our little date to end (broken heart emoji) "well it was fun being with you princess but I gotta run" I wave him goodbye but he doesn't seem to leave "hey hey so ummm..." he looks around like he's stalling to leave "you wanna go somewhere together tomorrow???"

"Hmmm. I'm not sure... maybe your house? Errr well shack, Haven't hung out there in a while" "right Right!!! Well it's settled I'll be seeing you tomorrow again princess!" There was an awkward silence like he was trying to think of More things to say, he suddenly then says "oh by the way!!!! Have you seen the new burger at meh burger?!?!?" He seems to be desperate for more time with me "hey sonic if you wanna spend more time with me just say so Haha" I say teasing him a bit

"WHAT NO that's Not it at all I MEAN of course I'd wanna spend time with you but I really gotta go you know A hero has his duties!!!!" "Hmm okay then Well i love you.." I say shyly and he kisses my cheek and speeds off, damnit i Never got the courage to ask what was up with him

Oh yeah I was gonna go to tail's place to ask him if he knows what's up with sonic hmmm? Well guess I better go now.. Ugh feels so weird going outside by myself. I walk over to tail's house although I kinda forgot where it was but I found it eventually as the island isnt THAT big

I get to tail's house and knock on his door, he opens up with "oh hey y/n!!! I haven't seen you in a while! What's up?" I knew he would be surprised to see me as i am a shut in "umm so... I need to ask you about something" I say a bit nervous "oh okay! Why don't you come in?" "Oh sure" we walk into tail's house and I sit on his couch next to him

"So umm... it's about sonic" I drop the bomb immediately "sonic? Are you two having some trouble together?" Tail's says with concern "No no we aren't its just... He's been acting strange lately? Like... *insert y/n explaining cause fuck you*" After that tails seemed like he was thinking but After a Bit "hmmm.. I think I may know what's happening.." I raise my head begging to know "hmmm? What is it??"

"I think he might love you A Little TOO much" "huh? What do you mean?" He loves me too much? Isn't that good? "I mean he's becoming obsessive towards you, you said you saw a camera and sonic panicked when you pointed it out?" I nod, "well the other week he asked me to make cameras for him.. and I have a hunch he might've placed them around your house" I get a bit worried, but then realize that is so hot

"WAIT SO he's Like..... stalking me?" I ask to make sure I'm understanding correctly "yeah... I'm sorry you had to find out this way y/n, I can Talk to him about it-" "NO! I ummm... kind of like it..." tails gives me A weird look, then I realized the weird shit I just said "I MEAN ummm I don't want you to talk to him cause he would be upset about it you know!!!"

"Hmmm Well if you say so" this is getting kinda awkward so.. "well thanks tails!! I'm gonna go now" I get up from the couch and go to the door "bye y/n I hope things go well for you!" Tails waves goodbye and I leave his house and go back to mine

I crash into my bed and look around for any cameras out of curiosity, as expected there was also one in my bedroom. I wonder if he's always watching me? Nah He can't be.. He's not THAT bored is he? Wait if he watches me he knows a ton of the embarrassing shit I do alone... ahhh...

Wait. I just realized it could be so he makes sure I don't cut again.. because did this start after he found out.. hmmm. Maybe it is just him being worried about me afterall? He's just being a really nice guy. There's no way he would be obsessed with someone like me anyway

Wow even in the bathroom theres cameras? That a little... much but maybe he didn't realize and wanted to make extra sure I was okay! Well anyway I've had a long day so I surround myself with pillows and fall fast asleep zzzzzzzzzzz

I wake up. Then go back to sleep. Wake up again. Then just lay in bed for an hour before getting up cause i remember I agreed to go to Sonic's shack today, i got ready and put on a different outfit this time for him. I then waited for him on my couch

He knocked at my door and i opened it "hey angel! Youre look beautiful today! Not that youre not always like that though" he winks at me, it makes me happy he noticed my outfit. I smile "mhm!! So are we gonna go and just ummm hang out at your shack" "yup!! Im gonna run over there with you so get on!" He suddenly picks me up and i hang onto him while blushing, i love being picked up by him

"You ready?" I nod and he start speeding to his shack, it was pretty scary but we were there before i knew it, i gave sonic a kiss on the cheek which made him blush a bit "so angel wanna do anything in specific or are you just missing me that much?" I blushed "haha arent you the one you asked me if i wanted to hang out again today" i see him get flustered

"What??? Really?? Nah i swear you're the one who asked that!!! I would never im WAYYY too busy for that!" I give him a intentionally sad look "whaaaat! Youre too busy for meeeee?" I start hitting him playfully

We hang out for a bit until sonic says "hey i have to uhhh go do something real quick!!! I'll be back!!" He speeds off without me even seeing where he went? Weird...

In sonic's shack i saw a very hidden trapdoor in his floor and i go in because i felt like it, what i saw down there was a bunch of pictures of me all over the wall and sonic was standing there with a shocked expression "oh ummm... ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE..." i dont even know how to react. But this is kinda sweet... and hot. So he really was using those cameras to stalk me huh?

"Sonic... have you been stalking me?" I ask him just incase im not confusing anything, even though its pretty obvious by now he is 100% stalking me "Ummm... Listen y/n... I'm.. I'm so inlove with you okay!!! I don't know how to describe it!!! I want to be with you always always I even asked tails to make cameras for me to put around your house to watch you so I feel closer to you and i would even place badniks next to you to purposely save you and impress you. Please never leave me. And never look at anyone else please!!"

I'm blushing so intensely right now. Sonic really IS obsessed with me.. I'm so lucky to have someone who cares about me this much!!! What does he even see in me to get so inlove? It doesn't matter now I just wanna tell him how much I LOVE him!

"I... love you so much!! Ill never leave you this is literally the sweetest and hottest thing ever" i kiss sonic on the lips.. i love him so much

"I love you so much angel you can't even comprehend it. I'm crazy about you."


Abrupt end again thats my thing now

Sorry if its gonna dog water i got stuck so many times lmao

Yandere Boom Sonic x Mentally ill reader oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now