Chapter 11

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Two weeks after the last chapter Y/n was sat at the edge pf the ship and looking at the sky. Then Kinagase and Aikurō walked up to Y/n and sat next to him.

Aikurō" Kid i always wondered why aren't you colder?"

Y/n" Hmm?" 

Kinagase" Like why aren't you more cold, pushing people away from you, that sort of thing?"

Y/n" Huh if i had a dime for every time someone asked me that. Well when i found my family dead, and my house burning down my mother had a note in her hand. It read:

'To our precious Y/n,

We're sorry that you have to go through losing us. We know that you will face a lot because of this, but we don't want you to change still be the person you are. Please for us don't be cold, don't shut people out let them in and live for us.

We love Y/n.'

And ever since then i have acted like this."

Aikurō " You really care for you family don't you?"

Y/n" Yes i do."

Kinagase" Kid our position is known by Ryuko and Satsuki its only a matter of time, before they come for us."

Y/n" Hmm I'll be ready for them, just make sure that no one gets involved and everyone is safe."

Aikurō " We could move position but we would need for them to be distracted."

Y/n" .... How about ...?"

Aikurō" You take the fight to them and they are forced to go get you giving us time to escape."

Y/n" Yeah, would it work?"

Aikurō " Yes but...?"

Y/n" Then I'm gonna do it."

Kinagase" If you do make sure that you come back ok?"

Y/n" Yeah make sure that Chris knows and please keep this safe(hands over his necklace). Bye for now."

Y/n then jumped away like this:

Y/n then jumped away like this:

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Y/n then landed in front of a massive stair case, when he looked up he saw Nui and Ragyo looking at a screen. The screen showed the pov of Satsuki. Y/n then started to hit the stairs making a loud bang noise. Nui and Ragyo looked back to see Y/n and they both smiled.

Ragyo" My son has returned."

Y/n" Again not your son."

Nui" I think its time that you respect your mother."

Y/n" (looks at Nui) I'm sorry Nui didn't see you there. Want a rematch?"

Nui then disappeared and reappeared behind Y/n and tried to punch him in the back of the head, but Y/n moved out of the way grabbed Nui's arm and threw her at a wall. She crashed into the wall, and went through it, eventually she came back out of the wall. 

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