Affogato gets drunk [somehow]. (Fluff)

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Not a continuation of last chapter.

Eclair was casually washing dishes that were in the sink while waiting for dinner to be done. He always did the dishes cause Affogato doesn't like geting his hands dirty, but something started to creep up Eclair's waist.

"Affogato what did I say about scaring me?" Eclair said, looking behind him.
"Sorry sorryyy, I just wanted your warmth~!"
"Darling we have a fireplace go sit over there-!"
"But I want your warmth."
"Affo I'm busy."
"To busy for meeee?" Affogato slurred while giving him the puppy eyes.
"Don't I've me those eyes."


"When will you be done?"
"Soon, go set up whatever you wanna do with me."

Affogato waddled off into the living room. Eclair finished the dishes and finished dinner (more dishes woohoo).
He set up the table and put the food down. Affogato waddled back with a grin on his face.
They ate the quesadillas. Yum.

"Go get dressed," Affogato said.
"We are going to sparkling's bar."
"Oh alright."

Eclair walked upstairs and got dressed into something nice. Affogato later got dress and they two hopped into the car.
They drove to Sparkling's bar and went in.

"Ah isn't it Eclair and Affogato! Take a seat and find something you'll want to order!" Sparkling said.

Eclair ordered lemon lime margarita and Affogato ordered some shots of whatever in the world wine thing.

"Darling please don't get drunk."
"Meh, I probably won't don't worry."

Later, he got drunk.

"Oh god."
"Mhhh~ you're cuteee~!" Affogato slurred.
"I think its time to go now."
"Please can I have one more shot~?"
"No more, we are leaving."

Affogato groaned and got up but stumbled out of the chair.
Eclair guided him out to the car and drove back home.
Affogato flopped onto the couch while holding onto Eclair's arm, causing him to fall on top of Affogato.

"Mmmm you're warmmm heheh *hiccup*"
"Darling let me go, I have to go grab a blanket-"
"Jussst turn on the flamy thinggg~!"

Affogato hugged Eclair tighter and turned on the fire place.

"Then go to sleep, I'm tired."
"Okay teddy bearrrr~! Sweet dreams!"
"Good night love."

The two fell asleep. Affogato suffered a big hangover the next day while Eclair laughed at him when taking care of him.

395 words bro what.
I need to write more, please request.

Affogato x Eclair Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now