Wine Commercial

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The scene opens with Miguel standing in front of a vineyard, holding a bottle of wine and smoking a cigarette. He turns to the camera and speaks directly to the audience.]

Miguel: Yo, what's up, motherfuckers? It's your boy Miguel, and I'm here to tell you about the best goddamn wine you'll ever taste. You see these grapes? They're hand-picked by me, Miguel. And when I say hand-picked, I mean I punched every single one of these motherfuckers until they fell off the vine. That's how you know it's good shit.

[Cut to a shot of Miguel walking through the vineyard, punching grapes off the vines as he goes.]

Miguel: This wine is for winners, for people who ain't afraid to throw down and take what they want. It's got a kick like a fucking mule and a taste that'll make your taste buds sing. And don't take my word for it. Listen to these satisfied customers.

[Cut to a series of testimonials from people who have tried Miguel's wine.]

Customer 1: I never liked wine before, but Miguel's got me hooked. It's like a party in my mouth.

Customer 2: I don't know what kind of voodoo Miguel's got going on, but this shit is amazing.

Customer 3: I may have lost my job and my wife, but at least I've got Miguel's wine to keep me company.

[Cut back to Miguel, who is now holding two bottles of wine and smoking two cigarettes at once.]

Miguel: So what are you waiting for, you pussies? Get yourself a bottle of Miguel's wine and start living like a fucking champion. And if you see me out on the street, don't be afraid to come up and say hi. Just don't be surprised if I punch you in the face.

[The screen fades to black as Miguel takes a long drag from both cigarettes at once.]

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