05 - Challenge

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Cloud retainer's abode is serene. Smoke flowing in the ground like water, trees and cloud are like a painting.

"You shall step up to this platform and continue the challenge, switching island require puzzle solving skills, if you successfully ace this, one shall let you continue your research. Only if your research is ethical."

"Understood. My research will only require using few questions."

"good luck alhaitham!"

I swear, alhaitham will not be able to complete this, I mean- this is the adeptus abode. It must be challenging.

Alhaitham POV

First round,

Just a few electro slimes, it won't be hard, will it?

Alhaitham swiftly kills the electro slimes in one go, splash splash, they're dead.

So in order to go to the second round, I shall rotate the abode, there have a stone state saying,

'Turn the sphere to the road you desire, a step of faith shall be taken.'

What is the step of faith?


This should be the correct order.

There is no staircase?

A step of faith... I get it,

When alhaitham steps on the 'air' a lining of a glowing golden-amber transparent floor appeared.

As alhaitham steps on the second island, there was no enemy? But instead, there is a gigantic hole under the island.

The stone state nearby says...

'Shall spread your wings and ascend to next level."

Meanwhile, back to y/n


Cloud retainer slightly laughed at y/n

"This is the part of challenge, survive in unfamiliar places"

Seriously, what is the point of a challenge?

Back to Alhaitham

Alhaitham quickly opened his wind gilder and ascended.

"This is not THAT hard."

End of alhaitham POV

Congrats, you have passed the test, I shall honour my promise.

Exit the domain

It was already evening, the view from here is at a warm gradient.

"Cloud retainer, I would like to ask you a few questions, first, What is a adepti?"

"Adepti exist to protect humans from harm, we are extremely knowledgeable." Said cloud retainer.

"Second, how are you created? By Morax the Geo archon. But he has already moved on."

"Okay, this is enough, thank you."

"Where do you wanna go to? Alhaitham?"

"I would like to visit more adepti, but we'll leave it tomorrow as we need to return to the city."

" wanna go to the city and eat? My treat."


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